
Is there such thing as eye contacts that last longer than a few months? if so how much do they cost?

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Is there such thing as eye contacts that last longer than a few months? if so how much do they cost?




  1. I wear RGP (rigid gas permeable) lenses. They're a hard lens and they can last years. They're a little more expensive up front but in the long run they're more cost-effective. Mine cost about $75 apiece plus fitting. My vision is near perfect. I can't get the sharp vision I get with soft lenses that I get with RGPs. RGPs take a little longer to get used to, but for me they're well worth it. 2D

  2. If you are asking about contacts that can stay on the eye more than a few months, I must warn you how terribly dangerous to the eye that can be. Contacts act as a barrier to the cornea, which needs to have plenty of oxygen, if the cornea does not get the required oxygen and nutrients you can suffer from hypoxia, neovascularization, and leave yourself open to many infections from the deposits left on the contact that do not get washed off with normal daily cleansing.

  3. What you are inquiring about are called Conventional lenses. You do not have to get Gas Perm ( hard lenses) in order to get a lens that will last you longer then 3 months. The prices vary for them since most of the time it depends on your prescription. If you do go into Gas perm lenses $200 a lens is RIDICULOUS. You can get gas perms starting at $45 a lens, and as far as Conventional lenses. They vary in price. The starting price is  around $39.99 a lens and can go up to 249.00 a lens. It depends on your prescription. They higher priced lenses are for custom made lenses which means that your prescription is so bad that the manufacturer doesn't mass produce that prescription so it has be custom made. Normally you end up paying for the regular ones. Also since it depends on what ones the doctor prescribes for you. I hope this information helps. All my prices are from 1800Contacts.

  4. You basically have Q options here. You can purchase the contacts that last about 3 months each or the gas permeable, RGP, Can last a year or more. They are only typically used for people with very extreme  rx's. as far as cost the Rip's cost almost $200 a piece and the contact fitting usually costs a  little more.

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