
Is there such thing as global warming?

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is there such thing as global warming? b/c some people say there is and some people disagree.




  1. yes.. observe around you.. do you feel warm even though its snowing?? if you feel hotness or warm, then that is the sign of global warming and the sea level, more and more icebergs are melting because of global warming...

  2. The only people who disagree are those that are

    A) Paid to disagree


    B) Insufficiently educated to understand the science behind it. You can normally spot them when they say things like "but it was warmer a long time ago".  

  3. Yes there is, it is real. I had actually done a small research project using data from collected sources over about 40 years and found a positive correlation in increase in greenhouse gases and the yearly average temperature. I also found that over the past 40 years the temperature had began rising.

  4. Global warming is the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere. The earth is naturally warmed by rays (or radiation) from the sun which pass through the earth's atmosphere and are reflected back out to space again.

    The atmosphere's made up of layers of gases, some of which are called 'greenhouse gases'. They're mostly natural and make up a kind of thermal blanket over the earth.

    So some global warming is good. But if extra greenhouse gases are made, the thermal blanket gets thicker and too much heat is kept in the earth's atmosphere. That's when global warming's bad.

    Sea levels would rise. Cities on coasts would flood. Lakes and rivers could dry up.Some plants and animals might become extinct because of the heat. Hurricanes, tornadoes and other storms which are caused by changes in heat and water evaporation may get more common.  

  5. There is definitely global warming. Some large corporations who are responsible for disproportionate amounts of carbon dioxide emissions  have bribed 3rd rate scientists and even less reputable conservative politicians into denying it.  Just like cigarette companies have denied the link between their product and cancer for decade after decade.  I would say that corporate leaders have the morals of alligators, but that would be disparaging a noble reptile.

    There have been seven major mass extinction events in earth's history.  One, the KT event involved an asteroid impact.  The others appear to have been the result of global warming brought about by large flood basalt eruptions.  These resulted in ocean chemistry changes which in turn effected the atmosphere.  Amusingly the KT event wasn't necessary.  The dinosaurs would have died anyway due to a global warming episode brought about by the Deccan Traps eruptions in India.  The Chicxulub impact was simply a coup de grace.

    Currently animals are going extinct in rapid numbers.  Mankind is creating his own mass extinction by using factory and automobile emissions rather than waiting for a natural super volcanic episode.  Only time will tell how effective we will be in causing our own extinction.  I'm guessing, being clever animals, we will survive it but we can kiss half the worlds species goodbye.  

  6. Certainly is real and there is no argument about that.  The argument is the question of "why".  Man seems to always need to find a reason for things, so the big question is why.  I know for a fact that at a latitude as far south as Yosemite National Park, there were once glaciers and woolly mammoths.  Then the place warmed up, the glaciers left, and the woolly mammoths went extinct.  Happened long, long ago.  We weren't to blame that time.  Not our SUVs.  So...that time wasn't our fault and this time it is.  Go figure.

  7. Yes . It is one of major problems faced by our planet

           Global warming is the increase in the average measured temperature of the Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century, and its projected continuation.

             After years of debate, consensus among most of the world's scientists holds that we are warming the planet. Unless we take steps now to curb global warming, our way of life, our planet, and our children are all in grave danger. There is hope. Each us can make simple decisions that will reduce global warming pollution. The Sierra Club is working with churches, labor unions, mayors and state governments to bring about a cleaner, smarter energy future.

    The links below contain information related to charitable activities of The Sierra Club on behalf of this issue. Only activities which qualify as charitable activity are funded by The Sierra Club Foundation.

    if global warming continues the same as like now we will experience the temperature like this

  8. is the earth getting warmer? yes. is it a result of the actions of human beings, or a natural phenomenon? that is where the debate lies. i for one believe the evidence points to a natural cycle of temperature fluctuations that has been taking place since before people industrialized. the earth has been warmer in the past than it is now.

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