
Is there such thing as this?

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I am 16 and i want to have a job at the hospital, and i was wondering if there is such thing as a job that you go around the hospital and keep people company. I thought it would be nice to keep the people company who don't have family, or just have no visitors. If theres no such thing as that, is there any other jobs I could have at just age 16?




  1. What you are describing wouldn't be a paid job at most hospitals - but they do use volunteers for what you are talking about.  At 16 it would be a great thing to do and a great to put on your resume also.

    When you get older, you could work as a companion or sitter in a hospital - for patients that need a constant presence around them -- many hospitals hire people to do this, but the basic requirement would be over 18 yrs old with a High school degree.

  2. Absolutely there is a job that fits your description.. the job you are referring to is what most hospitals refer to as a "sitter" and you basically tend to very ill patients and those who do not have family.

  3. That sounds wonderful to me :) You have a great heart.

    I'm not sure if there's an actual job that hospitals hire you to do...buuuut, it does sound like a person wanting to help other people, and there's always room for that :)

    First see if there's any kind of job or volunteer position you could get in a hospital, nursing home, or anything you could do to even somehow interact with could brighten someone's day just by smiling, even if it's not going room to room and sitting with them. I know that in my town, kids as young as 14 and 15 have jobs at nursing homes. I think it involves cleaning and helping with things like that, but with your good heart, you could make it something!

    I also think that if you really want to do this, but there is no set job that allows you to do it...maybe that's because you're meant to be the one to change that. There are so many stories of kids wanting to help, and starting their own ways to do it. Have you heard about the girl who started visiting sick kids in hospitals to give them toys? See about doing something similar. Share your idea with a parent, guardian, teacher, anyone you trust, find someone who shares your idea, and see how you can start doing this as a volunteer thing. there has to be some way you can talk to a hospital worker to see if they've got lonely patients who'd like a visitor.

    Just remember that people with good hearts can't lose.

  4. Call the hospitals about being a volunteer. They won't pay you, but it could build experience for a job in the future.

  5. That's such a beautiful idea :)  The volunteer idea sounds like that would give someone the opportunity to become a companion for someone without a lot of family around.  I'm not sure that there are  paid Companions within the hospital or nursing home setting but in the home health (going into patients' homes) field (need to be at least 18 years of age), one may get that type of job.  It's not nearly as safe as having that type of job within a medical facility though.

    For general career info: and can search 'personal and home care aide' or such.

    For possibly volunteer opportunities: and can type one's zip code and area(s) of interest.  The local hospital or nursing home may have a need for caring volunteers too.

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