
Is there such thing as to much calcium during pregnancy?

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Ok so I have noticed that my pregnancy is taking a toll on my teeth and gums ( I don't want to loose a tooth). So someone told me to take more calcium along with my prenatal. I bought a bottle of calcium supplements and there 500mg and 200 I.U. Vitamin D. So I took one before bed last night. Should I take them everyday or skip a day? Along with my prenatal are they safe? My prenatal only have 200mg in them. Plus I try and drink about 80z of milk a day.Is this to much calcium?




  1. best bet is to ask your doctor what is the safest dosage of calcium and vit D during pregnancy.  

  2. I don't know if you can have too much, but in my pregnancy book it says that pregnant women need about 1200mg a day of calcium, which you are clearly getting.

  3. my doctor told me taking tums is totally safe and it's calcium, so that's what i've been doing for extra calcium.

  4. You really need to check with your doctor on that. I would not have taken any extra supplements without asking the doc first. Drinking milk is great though.

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