
Is there such things as tickling to death?

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to death in my reason means to die




  1. For a healthy person, with no history of heart or breathing problems, the answer is no, you cannot literally be tickled to death. Once your breathing becomes erratic due to the forced laughter, oxygen to the brain decreases, and, after an extended period of this oxygen deprivation, the ticklee will pass out. Once they have passed out, the tickling sensations are no longer registered by the brain, so the ticklee stops laughing, allowing the breathing to return to a normal pace. ultimatly, the ticklee's body will return to normal, they will wake up, and the tickler can resume where he/she left off.

    However, if the 'lee has heart problems, or breathing conditions such as asthema, there could be very serious side effects of prolonged tickling, which could ultimatly cause death, not directly from the tickling, but the preexisting health condition.

    I am super ticklish, and have been mercilessly tickled for hours, non-stop, on numerous occassions, and I'm still here. I have passedout on at least two occassions, both with a tickler who is an RN, so i felt safe, and I was. In both instances, I passed out for less than a minute, my body returned to its normal heart and breathing levels, and I came to, just in time to be returned to ticklish dementia by my tickler!

  2. if you cant catch your breath from laughing.. you could suffocate.

  3. I am a super ticklish guy and always have been.

    I was tickled until I went into seizures 3 times,

    twice while a child and once when I was in my

    20s. People ganged up on me and just didn't stop,

    and my nerves must have short-circuited because

    I remember being hysterical while they tickled me

    for like 45 min to an hour and then I started peeing,

    and all I remember is my back arching and then I

    couldn't see or breathe. Everything went dark and

    when I came to the ticklers were shouting at me,

    wiping me with towels and trying to give me CPR.

    They told me afterward I was laughing and crying

    but then I tensed up, arched my back, my toes

    clenched and I peed myself wet. Then they said I

    started shaking in the cuffs, (I was tied to a bed)

    my eyes rolled back and I stopped breathing. It

    scared them bad as they thought I was dying. I

    might have if I hadn't started breathing. I'm sure

    if a person had a bad heart or asthma they could

    die from the terrific stress of tickling, or they

    could have a stroke and die from it. I've also been

    tickled until I passed out several times, and every

    time I KNEW I was gonna die from it, but haven't yet.  

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