
Is there supposed to be a ghost or spirit called a jin or gin that is responsible for things going missing?

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Is there supposed to be a ghost or spirit called a jin or gin that is responsible for things going missing?




  1. HI here in Egypt we have spirits that are called Jin although they have nothing to do with things going missing.

  2. Well a ghost or spirit that moves things around and sometimes makes things go missing is called a poltergeist! But I have no idea what a jinn or gin is. Sorry.

  3. Its where the word "genie" came from

  4. The term that you should be using is poltergeist. (German for noisy ghost)

  5. Yes there is a spirit known as Jinn and yes they do take things from you if someone wants them to. A Jinn is more like a Genie (with the exception of the 3 wishes only rule) and when a person makes contact with a Jinn they pretty much give a part of their soul over to the Jinn. Meaning that if you make contact with a Jinn, you have to contact them at the same time and from the same place everyday - otherwise they can do physical harm to your body or take over your body or possess you. There are good Jinns and bad Jinns.  The good ones do not do what you ask them to and will want to have nothing to do with you.  The bad ones are associated with the devil and if you contact them and say for example, you ask them to make you rich and bring you a million dollars, they will do so. But they will take that million dollars from someone else (steal from some other person) and give that money to you.  But they say that you need to have a heart of steel to contact a Jinn because they are affiliated with the devil and before they appear you see a whole lot of flames all over the place and that they are VERY scary.  My easily scared self has no intentions of ever wanting to see a Jinn but I do know of people that have made contact with them and let me tell you - they are not the same anymore.  Their mental capacity is so deranged now.  Don't know many specifics but I know that something must have went really wrong because they are so scared to be alone or to go to sleep and see Jinns randomly and scream hysterically, etc.   So spooky.

  6. I hope the same many times, suppose I have missed those things mainly by myself.

  7. The only thing that comes to mind to me is the Jinn.  It is part of the Hebrew culture and is supposed to have supernatural powers.

    Hope this is what you were looking for.

  8. In Arabian mythology, a genie or djinn is a type of spirit, similar to the Western concept of a ghost. In Pre-Islamic thought, a genie had magical powers and was sometimes, though not always, wicked, or at least mischievous. In Islam, the genie has become more analogous to a demon, with the Devil as the most powerful of the genies, while in Western culture, the genie is typically portrayed as a magical spirit with no religious connotations who is capable of granting wishes.

  9. jin or gin is a very old evil spirit - it derives from the genie

  10. Otherwise known as a Pooka, pwca, yes.

  11. A jin or Gin is a genie.  But spirits / ghosts can pickup things and move them around.  and take things.  Have you ever tried to find your keys and you swore you put them in one place, but find them somewhere that you didnt put them. lol

  12. if there is he lives in my house   LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  13. There is indeed a spirit called gin and it's responsible for a lot more than things going missing!

  14. There might be a mythological (invented) creature of that name in certain cultures, but that doesn't mean it really exists.

  15. a Djinn is more popularly known as a Genie and has nothing to do with things going missing

  16. If things are going missing then

    1) they have been stolen


    2) you forgot where you put them

    As you can see I do not believe in all this rubbish. I strayed in here by accident.

  17. sorry! just lost yer Q?

    what was it agin

  18. if there is I wish I could get rid of it

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