
Is there the a fear of creative scientific thinking?

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Is it as stupid?




  1. I have noticed over the years the scientists have been slowly getting a little more conservative. But then again there are a lot more wacky theories out the flat earth society! Hmmm no wonder...I think they just want to be a little more cautious because science is at a very high level, and mistakes can be very costly.

  2. I certainly hope not!

    Don't you agree that ALL scientific thinking should be creative, out of the box?

    Is there another kind?

    Think about our progenitors who first saw bacteria and made a creative leap to associate it with human illness. How about Lister who insisted that surgeons wash hands and sterilize their surgical instruments. he was nearly humbugged out of the operating room. There are hundreds of examples of creative scientific thinking through the ages, but I cannot conjure an image of uncreative scientific thinking.

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