I am wondering if you think like me that there is just too many ppvs and just too much wrestling nowadays. It just kill our entertainment. I mean the internet almost ruined wrestling. I myself don'T order ppvs at 40$ i wait for the dvds to come out at 25$ much nicer price but i only buy the more important ppvs like summerslam,cyber sunday,survivor series,royal rumble,wrestlemania. I admit to have given a thought about buying night of champions. I seriously don'T know who won because i did not watch raw or smackdown lately. It's just that ppvs have lost their special feel attached to them like in the past. I was so happy to see that a new ppv was out. Not it's like well it's just another ppvs. Backlash have to go,armageddom have to go no one watch wrestling around christmas.