
Is there winter in Saudi Arabia?

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Is there winter in Saudi Arabia?




  1. Winter in Riyadh is simply beautiful.

  2. yes.. its gets pretty cold.. but its sorta a dry cold.. and it does not snow .. it rains sometimes.. but its very windy and you have sandstorms

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  4. Yes there is, in some areas like Haa'il and Tabook it will hail or snow. It gets very cold (sometimes around 0 Celsius or less) in the winter.  

  5. Yes, the winter gets very very cold at night, especially when it's windy.  I was very surprised after moving here at how cold it actually gets.

  6. it snowed last year in the mountainous and western regions in Saudi..

    it does snow, but not like European ski mountain snow.. just little light flurries in the more mountainous areas..

    and our winters are like spring to most northern countries... but its cold to us.. cause if your body climatizes to 120F in summer and you get used to the heat.. well then for 35-40F in the winter seems like freezing... thats how cold it got last winter here in Khobar (eastern province) for a week.. but mostly our winters weather averages around 70F and the sky is cloudy, wind balmy and it rains a tiny tiny amount, nothing major, just sprinkles.. usually 1 week out of the year in mid january...

  7. yes

  8. There is a winter everywhere and there is a summer, fall and spring everywhere......

  9. Yes.  The winter here is very nice.

    [edit] to dispell any myths being spread by people who are trying to use logic... not every place on earth has the 4 well-defined seasons that Europeans and North Americans are used to.  Many places have two seasons - rainy and dry.  Saudi basically has a winter and a summer.  It's summer right now and it gets up to 50°C sometimes with humidity.  The winter season is not cold by North American standards, but the locals complain about the cold in the winter way more than they complain about the heat in the summer.  There is nothing that you would call spring or fall here.

  10. there is snow on the north side and you can check that by this link

  11. it depends where u  live .

    in Riyadh its vary from year to year .

    sometimes the winter just two weeks sometimes two month..

  12. some people, winter is similar to having snow or in KSA, majority of the land, I'm sure it is not snowing. There are only portions or areas in the kingdom where snow is present but not like the snow in Europe, China or America like in Abha and the northernmost region of the kingdom.....

    There are two seasons here in KSA, summer and winter season. Winter starts late September up to late March the next year and Summer starts April up to early September.....Winter here varies from different areas in the kingdom and the coldest was minus 10 degree Celsius (the coldest recorded in history way back years ago) without snow (or snow flakes) but you'll see water or moisture from any places turned to light solid ice......keep chillin' lolz

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