
Is there yob culture in Australia like we have in UK?

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yob culture - is groups of youths out making trouble with the added threat of verbal and physical abuse




  1. G'day laplandfan.  Thought you would have been here and seen for yourself by now.  

    That Daily Telegraph page IS yob culture.  Celebrities, movie and TV "stars" and all that stuff for the brain dead.  

    But we don't have a lot of the chav and ASBO stuff that I see written about by the English.  We have "bogans", "westies" and a few other names but a lot of them have a job of some kind which keeps them off the streets and the Bucky fortified wine. Burberry never caught on.  Staying on unemployment benefits here is not as easy as it once was.  

    All the same we do have long-term unemployed.

    We had teenagers hanging about bus stations in this city and some of them have been known to be a nuisance begging.  Not much though.  The bus operators started playing "easy listening music" and hits from the early 1950s - Bing Crosby etc and they vanished.  

    Soccer is a minority sport in Australia.  Football is mostly Rugby League, Union or Australian Rules and scoring is relatively frequent in each game, which keeps the fans watching the game and not taking their boredom out on each other.  So we don't have a lot of football brawls / riots.  (The more violence there is on the field, the less there is off it.)  

    When there is one at a soccer game you can just about guarantee that one team is Serbian in origin and the other is Croatian in origin.  Less frequently Greek / Macedonian,  or something like that.

  2. you mean Yobbo? Yep!

  3. never heard of yob culture... so no.

  4. Judging from what I have seen in the overseas news - largely the Sun online, which is somewhat sensationalist at the best of times - no, we don't have the numbers of disaffected youths combining to make the "yob" culture that the UK seems to be suffering from.

    That's not to say that we don't have problems of our own, but not, it would seem, on the scale that you do.

  5. Yes there is

    In Sydney, they are Westies

    In Melbourne, they are Bogans

    In Brisbane, they are Bevans

    In Canberra, they are Booners

    But in Adelaide, they are Locals

  6. Yes, unfortunately.  Read some of the Aussie papers

  7. Yes of course its everywhere in every country! On large and small scales.

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