
Is thier a way to dialate your eyes

by Guest32208  |  earlier

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hi is thier a way to dialte your eyes i wana be able to put drops in my eyes so i can see realy well at night but i dont know if their is any way to make my own drops or buy it from ebay or any thing so if some one could tell me were i can buy doctors eye drops for dialateing my eyes that would be great it would be realy nice to see things beter at night i dont care what the method is to dialate them i just need to be able to dialate them even if its heerbil




  1. I use dilating drops on patients at work all the time. They will NOT improve your night vision at all, in fact they would make your vision pretty blurred in general. Not to mention the fact that your pupils would be unable to shrink down in the light, making everything unpleasantly bright. Anyone who has experienced dilating drops (myself included) would probably not reccommend them, it's not particularly pleasant. Your pupils dilate naturally in the dark anyway, you don't need to take anything to aid this process.

  2. marry jane will dialate them but it wont help u see at night in the onlden days pirates used 2 wear an ipach over one eye so when they go down in the ship the uncover the eye and it can see perfectly at night try it it works really good ive tested it myself just wear an eyepach or cover one eye 4 a few hrs and when it gets dark uncover it and u should b able 2 see fine

  3. LSD usually does the trick.

  4. shrooms or mary jane..


  5. You wanna see in the dark. Eat carrots. Or use a torch. Why would you want to see in the dark.....Oh right......s*x?

  6. there's no method to make your vision at night better. don't try to use drugs, let alone illegal and illicit ones to enhance it. if anything, these substances will make you not be able to see, and disorient you. if i were you, i'd just stay in the dark for a while, and automatically your vision will adjust.

  7. Smoke a reefer.

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