I'm having some trouble estimating my 2008 taxes, including social security and medicare.
I am single no kids and will have made $27,000. I work as a nanny, which I believe classifies as household employee, and not self employed.
By my estimates I should get a $5,450 deductible and a $3,500 deductible to make my taxable income $18,000. Using the 15% + 802.50 for over $8025 but less than $32,500 I get $2302.50 in federal taxes.
I assume that social security and medicare is separate from this and I used 7.65% (not self employed) to get $1377, for a total of $3679 a year, or $306.58 a month, or $76.65 a week.
I'm not sure at all of these numbers, but hope the real amount isn't much more that this! I can afford that much, but not more. Also I don't know who to send the money to or when. Also not sure my employers are paying their parts of the medicare and SS, if they are not, do I take standard deductions from things like getting my car fixed and eating lunch?