
Is this AS Level Combination Acceptable?

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I got my GCSE result last week.....and for the core subjects i got

Maths - A*

Science - A, A*

English - B

And I've already enrolled onto Sixth Form...

But I was wandering if these AS-levels are a good combination to get into a good university to study Maths or something similar....I'm not aiming for Oxbridge I just want to go to a good university!!

I'v chosen

Maths - its my strongest subject and I oddly really enjoy it!!

Further Maths - because you need it to at least AS to do maths at a good uni!!

Biology - because I enjoy and wanted to do a science

Pyschology - because I'm fascinated with the subject and keen to learn more (I know it is seen as risky or soft subject)

I want to know if it is a good combination or if I should maybe consider different subjects (no way in h**l am i taking English lang or lit), ??

And if this combination will be hard to handle taking into account my GCSE grade???

And if it will be useful to study Biology and Psychology??

PS. I work really hard and I am determined to get good A-level results!! :D




  1. I think that your GCSE results are brilliant! not many people have got grades as good as that!

    -You obviously enjoy maths so i think that maths and further mathsis a very good idea!

    -Biology and Psychology are both very interesting subjects and will look good if you decide to study something like medicine in university and its not on the university soft subjects so don't worry to much about it :P

    -i think that you are a bright student and you can handle the combination, however if you had got all C's then you would have to rethink.

    To study maths at university, having maths and further maths would definatly get you far, and its mostly the grades you get :)

    thanks for answering my question i'm proppa stressed out about my a levels!

    good luck!  

  2. i think thats a great combination if your heart is set out on maths, here is a really good link for you say if you want to do maths at a certain university

    maths at cambridge baby lol. look on this ucas site to see what uni's o ur course and click on application and selection to find out what a-levels and gcse grades u need

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