
Is this Al Gores House... or George Bush's House?

by Guest64450  |  earlier

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This 4,000 square foot house has geothermal heat pumps that limit electricity use and provide year-long heat and air conditioning. The system only uses 25% of the electricity that traditional heating and cooling systems use. The home also collects water from it's showers, sinks and toilets, runs it through an underground filtration system and stores it in a 25,000 gallon cistern with rainwater collected from the roof. The water cistern is later used to irrigate the landscaping around the property.

The other guy has a 10,000 sq. ft., 20 room mansion where the reported electric bill for the year was $30,000.00. It used nearly 221,000kWh which is more than 20 times the national average.... and this is just one of his 3 homes. This truley is "an inconvenient truth" for this guy.

Again..... no one talking about this.




  1. Ralph Nadar's house

  2. Al Gore is a hypocrite.  I am sick of his lies and half truths!!!  

    Global warming is a myth, not a fact. It is popular to get on the bandwagon of this issue but it is so dumb.

  3. I'm not really going to answer the question, as someone else already did... as for "global warming" is a myth not a fact... that is bull c**p... i guess the polar ice caps melting means the earth is getting cooler not warmer...

  4. PARTY AT AL'S HOUSE!!!  Looks like he spares no expense

  5. #1 This is Bush's Home.

    #2This is a perfect description of Al gore's house. I have seen pictures on it and read about his wasteful use of resources while he preaches the opposite.

  6. do some more research.

    when his home makes his statments based on science any less sound, then we'll discuss his home.

    being a little more on top of things regarding his own lifestyle, i can appreciate, but attempting to invalidate or discredit everything he does or said based only on his home, is absurd.

    preaching we need to go green for energy production is not made invalid by spending 30,000 on green electricity.

    green electrcity is not made by fossil fuels. nice try though!

  7. If we ignore comrade gore, it just might wilt away!

  8. It is a George Bush house. Gore uses over  1,300 dollars of energy a month. The way he looks he should get a treed mill that makes electricity.

  9. For the "OTHER GUY" all the info you gave was for electricity. The nation's concerns aren't with electricity but with the way we use gas. As for the "FIRST GUY", good for him. The limitation of water usage is A good thing, but again the main concern is with gas and not electricity.

  10. You make a great point.  I heard the same report and was a little shocked to say the least.  Let us not forget that no matter what their stance is, at the end of the day, they are both politicians.  They make lots of money and do what works for them and what promotes themselves first (not necessarily what promotes their parties' goals).  Then out in front of the crowd, they say what they're supposed to in order to make their supporters and sponsors happy.

    However, no matter how 'green' Bush's house is, and no matter how not-green Gore's is, Gore has made a big impact with that documentary and maybe even changed a few minds on the argument of global warming.  Lets hope that he made enough of an impact to offset his environmentally unsound living practices though!

    We should also consider (and I say this as nicely as possible) that our country's score on the test of the environment would likely have been a bit higher if Bush was not our current president.  Or, if he didn't have his sights set on big business and oil.  

    But still, I do like to see how people really are behind the curtains.  Maybe the article will make Gore shape up a bit and start, as you said, practicing what he preaches.

  11. NEITHER!

    And the sooner America wakes up and realizes that this is OUR country, the better the chances that we can actually survive the next hundred years.

  12. This 4,000 square foot house has geothermal heat pumps that limit electricity use and provide year-long heat and air conditioning. The system only uses 25% of the electricity that traditional heating and cooling systems use. The home also collects water from it's showers, sinks and toilets, runs it through an underground filtration system and stores it in a 25,000 gallon cistern with rainwater collected from the roof. The water cistern is later used to irrigate the landscaping around the property.


    The other guy has a 10,000 sq. ft., 20 room mansion where the reported electric bill for the year was $30,000.00. It used nearly 221,000kWh which is more than 20 times the national average.... and this is just one of his 3 homes. This truley is "an inconvenient truth" for this guy.


  13. Do you know why Al Gore's electric bill was $30,000.00? Because he elects to pay for green electricity, which costs ten times as much. Do more research before you  make claims like this. Don't you know that the reporter who filed that claim the first time got fired for not doing her research, and the paper had to run an apology for their lack of fact checking? Sheesh.

    And if you are talking about the White House, it has nothing to do with Bush.

    P.S. Al Gore is not the only person alive who wants to make an environmental change. Whether or not you like Al Gore should have no bearing on your responsibility as a resident of Earth. Of course, if it weren't for your blind hatred of Gore, how would you convince yourselves that Global Warming was fake? Oh, wait, all the facts would make that way too hard!

  14. actually global warming is "an untruthful convenience" for al gore.

    join the heresy

  15. Al Gore and most celebrities who claim to care about the environment are hypocrites.

  16. Graciously, Gore tells consumers how to change their lives to curb their carbon-gobbling ways: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, use a clothesline, drive a hybrid, use renewable energy, dramatically cut back on consumption. Better still, responsible global citizens can follow Gore's example, because, as he readily points out in his speeches, he lives a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." But if Al Gore is the world's role model for ecology, the planet is doomed.

    For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.)

    Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself.

    Then there is the troubling matter of his energy use. In the Washington, D.C., area, utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy. In Nashville, similar programs exist. Utility customers must simply pay a few extra pennies per kilowatt hour, and they can continue living their carbon-neutral lifestyles knowing that they are supporting wind energy. Plenty of businesses and institutions have signed up. Even the Bush administration is using green energy for some federal office buildings, as are thousands of area residents.

    But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. When contacted Wednesday, Gore's office confirmed as much but said the Gores were looking into making the switch at both homes. Talk about inconvenient truths.

    Gore is not alone. Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean has said, "Global warming is happening, and it threatens our very existence." The DNC website applauds the fact that Gore has "tried to move people to act." Yet, astoundingly, Gore's persuasive powers have failed to convince his own party: The DNC has not signed up to pay an additional two pennies a kilowatt hour to go green. For that matter, neither has the Republican National Committee.

    Maybe our very existence isn't threatened.

    Gore has held these apocalyptic views about the environment for some time. So why, then, didn't Gore dump his family's large stock holdings in Occidental (Oxy) Petroleum? As executor of his family's trust, over the years Gore has controlled hundreds of thousands of dollars in Oxy stock. Oxy has been mired in controversy over oil drilling in ecologically sensitive areas.

    Living carbon-neutral apparently doesn't mean living oil-stock free. Nor does it necessarily mean giving up a mining royalty either.

    Humanity might be "sitting on a ticking time bomb," but Gore's home in Carthage is sitting on a zinc mine. Gore receives $20,000 a year in royalties from Pasminco Zinc, which operates a zinc concession on his property. Tennessee has cited the company for adding large quantities of barium, iron and zinc to the nearby Caney Fork River.

    The issue here is not simply Gore's hypocrisy; it's a question of credibility. If he genuinely believes the apocalyptic vision he has put forth and calls for radical changes in the way other people live, why hasn't he made any radical change in his life? Giving up the zinc mine ( he did sell this in 2003!) or one of his homes is not asking much, given that he wants the rest of us to radically change our lives.

  17. Here is your total and complete answer. There is no libby alive that can dispute this.

    I see from the thumbs down I've gotten that libs HATE when you show absolute proof. Show a lib the truth, and they go through psychological meltdown.

  18. George Bush has the house that  is efficient.  Green Al has to purchase commercial environmental credits to pay for his electrical bill.

    Save a human shoot an environmentalist

  19. Both houses use up way more resources than is reasonable.

    The Bush clan owns many houses, they live like royalty using up lots of resources all over the place.

  20. Wow, I feel bad for you. You have alot of bad answers here. Yeah Not to add to them, but most piolitical figure heads are hicpocrites or just not aware af the damage they are doing to the enviorment. The first house is pretty nice though. Im pretty sure Its bushes, he gets a gold star. GO him.

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