
Is this America's real hero? Mike Ruppert, ex LA cop...?

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  1. I can't say if he is the REAL hero, but he has raised some interesting topics. I first heard him speak on the 911 subject back in Feb. 2002. He definately makes me wonder about some things. His "from the wilderness" website covers a lot of subjects.

  2. No, Sheriff Joe Arpaio is America's real hero. He's fighting back against the illegal alien invaders!

    Sheriff Joe Does It Again

    Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio conducted a crime suppression sweep over the Easter weekend in Phoenix. He said local business people had asked him to conduct the sweep.

    "In a total of 10 hours, our force arrested 55 people. Of the 55, 37 were illegal," he said of the weekend arrests. Arapaio said he will do more crime suppression this week.

    "Any illegals we come across are going directly to jail. So I'm sure all the activists are getting the bullhorns out, they're getting their cameras to take pictures of my deputies arresting people, so that's OK," the sheriff

    said. Read more: 26 Mar 2008

    Another Sheriff Joe story!

    Sheriff's immigration operation moves north Mar. 27, 2008

    Maricopa County Sheriff's Office Arrests 16 Illegal Immigrants

    Sheriff Arpaio's back; chief 'not going to scare me away'

    JJ Hensley The Arizona Republic Nov. 29, 2007

  3. Yes, I am listening to him right now...  From a link you provided in one of your answers.  I'm on the 3rd video and yes he is quite courageous!

  4. Excellent point That is why we need to vote both the Republicans and the Democrats out of Office

  5. this lecture by Mike Ruppert is fascinating - he was a cop, as you say, & really knows his stuff. he's the kind of person i'd love to have a long dinner  & a chat with. plus he tries to keep this very serious subject as light as possible too.

    i watched the whole thing in one go which is the best thing to do (google videos has it all), but it's quite long - so get your popcorn out.

    don't dismiss it until you've seen it.

  6. Yep. He's the man. More peeps need to stop being sheeple and be brave like Mike Ruppert.  Freedom is worth dying for. Peeps gave their lives so we could have it. Now its our turn. This time the enemy is within. If we are afraid to speak up then the enemy wins.

    A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves

    - Edward R. Murrow

    This clip shows what Mike Ruppert tried to stop

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