
Is this American joke true?

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my Spanish teacher is actually from America(i go to school in New Zealand) & she told us today that there is this joke that if u can chew gum & walk at the same time, then you're an American?(we were somehow on the topic of gum chewing) I'm confused! do any of u know of this joke?




  1. It seems more of an insult that anything.  It comes off as saying that no one else, other than Americans, have the intelligence or talent to do two things at matter how simple they are.

  2. I would have thought it a comment that chewing gum & walking is the extent of some American's capability.




    George Dubbya springs to mind.

  3. Hold your horses people!  It just means that Americans are very simple down to earth people!!!.

  4. No it's not true or funny,  it is an expression that means someone is stupid.  For example, i might tell you  "Your spanish teacher can't walk and chew gum at the same time."

  5. americans like to chew gum. if u go to america, their streets r full of them! they even hv special workers wif special tools to clean it!

  6. nope but everyone can walk and chew gum at the same time

  7. There IS an old joke about blondes NOT being able to walk and chew gum at the same time, but there's not much truth to it. Are you sure she knows what she's talking about?

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