
Is this ESP ?

by  |  earlier

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I can predict numbers, wether it's in normal converasation, tv ads, whatever, games. Also, over the past 2-3 years, I have correctly predicted 11 of 13 births among friends and relatives. Are these coincidental odds or am I on to something?




  1. I predict you are 40 or over with past gonnorhea and present herpes. Viet Nam will be in your life, maybe Cambodia or Laos and you will need to use the number 18 many times this month.

  2. Fantastic, because this sort of claim can easily be shown to be true or false.  Just predict the lottery numbers, and buy the ticket.

    Please, report back how you get on.  Seriously.


  3. Normally, I would never say this to anyone.  Don't lose yourself on the psychic hot-line; it can corrupt your spirit. We have to be careful not to take trash into our house, it is supposed to go to the curb with a lid on it so it won't contaminate others.

  4. its called confirmation bias.

    Its like this. I tell you to pick a card, and I try to guess what it is. I make 12 guesses and you are amazed when I get it right.

    Ok, so its not always this obvious, you guess 50 numbers in conversations, tv ads and whatever, some of them are going to be right. Probably a lot more than random, since you can make an intelligent guess. Same with the births.

    You remember all the right answers, but when you put them together with the wrong answers, they need to be significantly higher than the wrong ones to be considered any kind of psychic abilities.

    Try this experiment.

    Have a friend shuffle a deck of cards. One, have him/her pick a card. You can get 2 points per card. One point for the suit, and one for the number.

    If you can score over 26 points on this test 3 times in a row, you probably should consider the fact that you have some psychic abilities.

    Then check out this site

    and win the million dollars.

  5. No it is not ESP.

    If you can perform ESP it would technically be a miracle.  If that were the case then you could win $1,000,000 from Randi and millions more elsewhere.  Then you could live on your own island and have to answer to nobody.  Congratulations, you are the first person who can truly perform magic in the entire history of the universe.  Enjoy your superhero status.

  6. You might be intuitive.  Here is the real many more children will I bear before I can finally ride away on a Harley towards adventure.?

  7. I'd suspect it's more of a case of coincidence, prior knowledge (if you know how pregnant a woman is, you really increase your chances of picking the right birth date), and confirmation bias (you forget all your wrong predictions and remember only the right ones).

  8. I think it's ESP.. You're getting these numbers from somewhere..  I am the same way with numbers, and can often guess peoples birthdays, or if not be within 5 days..

  9. can u give me the next mega ball ohio lottery numbers?? i will split it with u!!

  10. The only way to know is to buy a lottery ticket.

    Oh, and if you win, you owe me half. :P

  11. Funny you should ask. I was just taking an esp test the other day and failed miserably. Guess I don't have esp. Including website to test to see if you have ESP. Go to the bottom of the page of the link and take test. You'll have to click around a few times on the test to get the hang of the deck. It took me only about 5 minutes to figure out the rules. It was interesting. Have fun. Let me know how you did.

  12. Play the Lottery.

  13. try guessing my sister's birthday.
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