
Is this Ebay house haunted?!?

by  |  earlier

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Hey =) I was just surfing throught ebay looking at the real estate seciton just for fun. I searched farm and was just having fun looking at the stables and houses and mansions that I would probobly never be able to afford (lol). I then stumbled upon this old century farm house. It struck me.. the 4th picture!! The seller says its "smoke from a stump?" I think she is wrong. Loook at the 4th picture in the listing. There is a head and a figure of a person! I think it is rather humerous and entertaining! Take a look for yourself :)

God Bless!




  1. Weird!!

  2. I don't see a head therefore don't see a figure of a person. It really just looks like smoke to me.

  3. Yeah, I agree - definitely something up with that "smoke".  

  4. oh yes thats a ghost i see those all the time they dont harm me or anything they could be a angel or maybe just a ghost hangin around by its grave who knows but it is pretty much a ghost oh if you see that in black and then somethin bad happens its a deamon  

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