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In the book Secret Life of Bees, and Big Mouth and Ugly girl, I had to pick a common thread between those two books and the book Wicked..

My common thread is that in all three books there was tragedy. Does that seem good to you?

If you haven't read the books look down ill help you

The Secret Life of Bees- She accidently kills her mother, her friend dies, dad is mean to her and hates her

Big Mouth Ugly Girl- The boy almosts gets arrested for something that he said, but he didn't actually mean it.

Wicked- People dont like her b. cshe is green, he sister dies, people think that she's evil

A common Thread is something thats the same between all those books





  1. yeah, it is fine!

  2. its beyond good. its amazing.

  3. I would say your on the right lines but as i have a qualification in English and English Literature i would say that you need to be more detailed with an explanation as well as explaining that although they have a common thread that each shows a unique way of showing a tragedy, accident or problem. :)

  4. Tragedy is rather a broad category.  It would help if you could make the thread more specific.  In what way are the tragedies similar?

    Or what is about the tragedies that are the same?  Is it the cause or the effect or the way in which the characters respond or the way in which others respond to them or is it what they learn from the tragedies?  

    Think of tragedy as the canvas and then pick out the one color of thread that runs through them all.


  5. yes. that sounds good. but if this is for summer reading you might want to go into more detail.

  6. I disagree, the theme in all three of these stories are characters who are perceived by their peers in a different way than who they truly are and how that effects their life.

  7. no

  8. no

  9. i kinda doubt the answer is as easy as that.

    but i haven't read the books so i don't know

    did you like the books?

  10. I think that you should try to go a bit deeper into the story and plot. "A tragedy" is too general. Good luck!

  11. To me, saying all three books have tragedy seems like cheating. Nearly ALL books have a tragic or bad event anyway. Maybe you could be more specific and say that in each book people are being the victims of ridicule or being teased or victimised or something.

    Saying that all books have tragedy sort of covers too much ground. Nearly all books have events that could fit into the tragic category.

    How many books are there where someone has died?

    Been the victim of prejudice or bullying?

    Been hurt?

    How many books are there where there is conflict or battle either physically or emotionally?

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