
Is this Great British Justice?

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A girl killed by an arrogant rogue cyclist and he was fined only £2,200 while a woman won £7,000 for breaking a leg with a defective shoe.

So a broken leg is worth over 3 times someone's life?




  1. Not comparable, different accidents, different circumstances.

    Not logical

  2. I see why you are annoyed, but the BBC haven't given both sides of the story about the cyling accident, so it is impossible to comment. Typical irresponsible journalism in this country.

    Either way, it is very sad that she died.

  3. The law is completely farcical at the present moment. Criminals get away with murder (literally) and the judges are so far out of reality it is laughable to the point of exhaustion. The cyclist should have received a custodial sentence and made to pay there court costs as well.

  4. A grown man riding on the pavement?? He should have been locked up for a minimum of 5 years - he caused the death of a young girl because of his arrogance. What is it about cyclists that make them think they have some God given right to ride their bicycles wherever they see fit?

  5. He will get his just deserts one day... the arrogant s... as for the Justice in this Country for anything .... well that does leave one speechless at times, and like the remark made.... they get away with everything with the Laws we have today. It works like  its come out of the jungle, and is not for what is supposed to be, a modern society.

  6. There is no such thing as justice anymore. He who has the better professional liar ( sorry ,lawyer ) wins. To purposely run a pedestrian down then be let off is in deed vile.....

    It would be ironic if the cyclist was knocked down though, wouldn't it. Oh well we can live in hope.

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