
Is this HT setup good?

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front Kef IQ7 + center IQ6c i'm matching this with JBL L810 i'm getting surround & front + centre both from different dealer. so i didn't try them together, will this be convincing setup. Another question regarding sub i have 2 options

1)polk audio pro 500


velodyne is double the price of polk audio will this provide good value for money




  1. You might never need the sub. I have JBL 830's for fronts and an infinity beta center and I never use my sub they put out all the bass you need. So if I were you I would go with the cheaper sub because you will probably not use it much

  2. Polk (good),Velodyne (Better), HSU (BEST)!!!

    The KEF's should be matched pretty well,

    and JBL's are great,

    but check the efficiency of the two types as the

    SPL's (db's per Meter/Watt) are probably different.

    It is best to have the efficiency matched with-in 1 or 2 db's.

    A difference of 2 db's DOUBLES

    the amount of power needed to achieve

    the same loudness making it tough

    to balance the levels with an surround system.

    My JBL's are real wattage gobblers,

    and KEF's are pretty Efficient.

    ie: You really have to crank it up to get

    the JBL's as loud as the KEF's which are then TOO LOUD! &,

    you could BLOW (CLIP)  the KEF's,

    while the JBL's may still be UNDER-POWERED

    and not delivering the full sound you paid for.

    Balance the db's /meter/watt, ie: 89db per meter/watt

    for a balanced system.

    And nothing makes a HSU sound better than

    a HSU Sub-Amp, As some of them are not powered.

  3. You did not specify the models of price range of the subs, but Velodyne is worth every penny of the difference - it is a different league from Polk.  If you are in under $500 range - check out HSU research.
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