
Is this India's way of revenge for colonial rule?

by Guest59974  |  earlier

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First British steel maker Corus and now Jaguar and Land Rover? Does this not illustrate a the state of decline the UK is in? Not to mention the airports owned by the Spanish, gas and water companies owned by French, Germans, and Russian mob. Does anybody care? Does anybody realize the vulnerable position the UK is in?




  1. A corporation doesn't care about history or nations or people it is an entity for making money and whatever it can do to improve it's bottom line it will do.

    The UK is for sale. That's what we get for signing up to privatisation and the free market economy. Our nation is just a commodity to be carved up and sold to the highest bidder.

    We can't compete with the companies who have cheap labour at third world prices. Without massive immigration to supply a cheap and easily exploitable workforce domestic based British industry will continue to decline.

  2. one day the world will wake up to the fact that capitalism doesnt work.  it's incompatible with democracy for the very simple reason that the vast majority of human beings are not capitalists.  that is why it can only be maintained through military force - see iraq and the myriad other murderous conflicts and coups during the 20th century

    until that time, increasing rich rich people will continue to s***w the rest of you dumb communist-fearing turkeys who keep voting for christmas

    people who condemn communism (theyre actually condemning state-capitalism, but anyway) and champion capitalism show their spectacular ignorance of how capitalism kills people and causes great suffering to many more

    id much rather live in the UK than the US - that country is in a world of shht

  3. s**t, yeah I do. British industries are practically extinct. The country needs to make some genuine efforts to re-establish itself and regain its identity, stop being a push-over and friend to the bully of the world and to start taking care of Britons, rather than catering for the millions of immigrants entering the country. Even saying things like that is now considered by many to be racist and incorrect- I think racism and standing up and saying 'Britain is forgetting the British' are two entirely different things.

    But I have to say, I also know that half the people in the UK can't use their own language properly, and it saddens me to see people use 'realize' instead of 'realise'. If you're British, use British (ahem- 'actual') English...

  4. Well, you can take comfort in continuing to be the world's leading producer of bad food!

    So there you go.

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