
Is this Irritating or What?! Ugh!?

by  |  earlier

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So my hubby comes home late from a class, I ask him if he'd like me to make him something to eat. He says no thanks. Then starts cooking... smells yummy, then asks "what do you want on your burger". Since it smells good I take up his offer. I bite into it and there are onions in the burger (mixed in the meat and hard). Gross!

This is not the first time he's made me something I don't like to eat. I mean the offer and thought is nice but why make it and offer it if I'm not going to like it. He knows this!

Wouldn't this bother you? Is he sending me a subliminal message? Wtf?

That's like me intentionally making him something he doesn't like and saying, "Here's Dinner".




  1. I think your overreacting.. It's no big deal.

  2. Try and look at it from his point of view, maybe he was just trying to make something you would like because it hurt his feelings when you told him you dont like his cooking... or maybe he felt like having some burger and only he knows how to make the kind he likes, and he didnt want to be rude so he asked you if u wanted some (:

    Just chill out and ask him about it (:

  3. You found a guy that will cook instead of asking you to do it...awesome.  I'm the same way and sometimes guys forget.  Don't be harsh on the guy just pull the onions out of the burger next time.  Or specifically ask him not to do it.  

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