
Is this Kyle Busch's year to win his 1st Championship?

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Everyone knows he will pass up Jeff Gordon, The King and Dale Sr. in Championship wins one day, but will 2008 be his 1st one?

Sure looks like it to me!




  1. You're wrong. Somone like him won't ever be as great as Sr, The King or J. Gordon. He will never win a championship. Kyle is just getting lucky. He is for some reason able to wreck his car completely and still win. But it won't work forever. And sooner or later his luck will run out and the 18 team will fade in the Chase, just like the 11 team did last year.

  2. Time will tell. The fact that Sr. did it  even though he really didn't get started good until he was 30 is a testament to his dominance.

    Starting young will work in Shrub's favor. At some point he'll grow up and stop pissing people off.

    Shrub needs a nemesis. Somebody as nasty as he is on the track. Too bad he and Smoke are teammates....that could get interesting.

  3. A girl can only dream..

  4. It wouldn't surprise me one bit.  Every decent driver gets a hot streak; Kyle's in his, despite last night's engine problem.  If he doesn't burn himself out, I think we're looking at this generation's Intimidator.

  5. i hope not

  6. Kyle may take the championship this year, or maybe not, we will see, hopefully he will not.

    but, he will never pass the King or Dale Sr. in championships he is not that good or talented at all.

    he has raw pure luck, and he will end up killing someone if he does not tame it down a little, and change his attitude.

    saying, I will wreck anyone to win, is not a champion but a fool.

  7. It could be, but him to beat 7 Championships? I doubt it, not the way the points are now. Back before the chase, more than likely he could. Jeff would be a 5 time champ right now if it wasn't for the chase.

  8. 200 wins even 76 wins in today's competitive racing I seriously doubt but he could win a championship or two

  9. its his to lose no one can beat him

  10. I don't think so.  Don't get me wrong, I think he's got talent but his attitude and lack of respect for other drivers will hurt him.

  11. It's fifty/fifty but I don't want to him to win. I'm sorry to any of you darlings whom are KYLE BUSCH fans.

  12. I read a few of these before answering.  To the fans of Jr; "Denial is not a river in Egypt".  I think the kid will break alot of records, and might get his first championship.

  13. it was cleaver of gibbs to have their cars blow up on the none points race.  to show like there have a engine problem.. they havent blow one all season..

  14. He might. But 7 championships, I doubt it. We all know Jeff Gordon would already have 1 maybe 2 championship more than he does, the chase has really screwed Jeff Gordon.. This yr has been a total crazy, silly season, who knows who is going to win the Cup this yr. ONe thing for sure if uses the car he drove last night, don't think so, heck I thought it was a great car, the only one that didn't But I say he does have a chance to win, its all about who else can get hot, and anything is possible..

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

  15. To say your optimistic is putting it lightly, but i don't think it's his year. He can't maintain his hot streak he is to hot headed. A couple of bad finishes and he's done. Kyle isn't at a point in his career to even be spoken in the same breath as Big E, or the King and you as a nascar fan should be ashamed to have even said it. I guess you weren't around to watch Dale in his prime. I just wish he was still around because if that had been him at Richmond then Kyle wouldn't have finished the race. I don't get it every time somebody comes in and has a hot streak they try to say he is the next Richard Petty, or Dale Earnhardt. Let's see where he is at in 5 years, if he wins 4 of the next 5 championships then maybe we can start the comparison but until then let's not put him up on that pedestal.

  16. No not this year he is just too immature right now

  17. Yea hes gone to win it this  year

  18. no he won't and he will never get close to beating jeff, the king, or Sr.

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