
Is this March's highest land temperature record yet another indication of global warming?

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  1. I'd suggest you read the following from 4 scientists including 1 nobel winner.

    We draw your attention to three observational refutations of the IPCC position (and note there are more). Icecore

    data from the ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment) shows that temperatures have fallen since

    around 4,000 years ago (the Bronze Age Climate Optimum) while CO2 levels have risen, yet this graphical

    data was not included in the IPCC Summary for Policymakers (Fig. SPM1 Feb07) which graphed the CO2 rise.

    More recent data shows that in the opposite sense to IPCC predictions world temperatures have not risen and

    indeed have fallen over the past 10 years while CO2 levels have risen dramatically.

    The up-dated temperature measurements have been released by the NASA’s Microwave Sounding Unit (MSU)

    [1] as well as by the UK’s Hadley Climate Research Unit (Temperature v. 3, variance adjusted - Hadley

    CRUT3v) [2]. In parallel, readings of atmospheric concentrations of CO2 have been released by the Mauna

    Loa Observatory in Hawaii [3]. They have been combined in graphical form by Joe D’Aleo [4], and are shown



    If you want the entire letter go to www.iceagenow.


  2. Not only March. The signs of global warming and impending environmental disaster can be seen throughout the natural world. Many skeptics continue to deny global warming is real, but the overwhelming scientific evidence clearly indicates otherwise. I think March temperatures are just another in the long line of evidence indicating global environmental damage. We need to move towards a more sustainable future and environmentally viable methods. We still have a long way to go, but each of us can make a difference.

    [edit]: global warming is not propaganda and they are NOT "slight temperature changes". There is a global environmental crisis that so many people refuse to accept, because they prefer to bury their head in the sand and pretend it doesn't exist. Well, I hate to break it to those people but global warming and many current environmental crisis to exist. They are real and their effects are being felt globally, locally and on the individual scale. Large (not slight) increases in global temperatures have been recorded, ice melts, climatic shifts, ill nino, and many other climatic occurrences are all evidence of global warming. It is not a temporary upward shift. It is an unprecedented rise in temperatures. Ignorance is bliss. It's sad that so many people choose to live in bliss. Giving thumbs down just emphasizes your bliss.

  3. I'd say the switch from using a five year average to a century long average is a better indication of global cooling.

  4. "The average temperature for the U.S. in March was 42 degrees, 0.4 degrees below the 20th century mean."

  5. Assuming Voice of Reason is correct (which I believe he is) that's still pretty warm.

  6. Wow its good to know we have 129 years of records which allow us to compare current temperatures with the billions of years Earth has been around.  Earth has been gradually warming since the last ice age.  Its not a new thing.  We have been through several ice ages and most of them people weren't even around.  Its all just natural cycles.

    That's about as accurate as me saying its 2 degrees warmer at 10:30 than it was at 10 and coming up with the conclusion that by 5 its going to be 28 degrees warmer than it was at 10.

    Love of Truth - That's a fancy way of saying we used some real info and guessed about the rest to get a conclusion.  Its not valid because there are many variables that we assumed and can not be presented as fact because we didn't record them at the time they occurred since we obviously were not around to do it.

  7. cant tell you about Asia, but here in VA it snowed this week,  In mid April.

    If this is WARMING, I'm a mongoose.

  8. Looks like you lost your battle to brainwash others...  Sorry about that.  Seems weird that alarmists gravitate toward individual temperatures readings when it benefits them but rum from and even rename global warming  'global climate change' when they are proven wrong again.  Good luck in your endeavor.

    It is good that Gore has found some abstract thinkers that are neck deep in snow and ice but will believe him when he tells them they are getting warmer.  That's about the only people that believe in this BS.

  9. No.

    If you look at any graph of monthly temperatures, you'll see a long-term trend that's increasing about 0.2 C / decade.  And there will be points well above and well below the trend line.  That's just noise in the very complex weather system.

    1998 was noise above the trend line and last January was noise below the trend line.  None of that is statistically significant.  But as long as the trend-line (computed over 30 years) is still climbing, we know that global warming continues.

  10. So, the question is, are higher temperatures indicative of higher temperatures?  The answer is, of course.  Now, be careful with the global warming rhetoric.

    Here's the deal - just because the earth's temperature cycle happens to be on an upswing it does not mean that we are causing it, or that it is not normal.  And it certainly doesn't mean that something bad is going to happen.

    The term 'global warming' is a scare phrase that is intentionally, het incorrectly linked to adverse impact due to human habitation on this globe.  Global warming is nothing more than extremely minute temperature changes sensed over a very long period of time.

    Don't get caught up in the propaganda.

  11. This March was not the highest ever.  It was the SECOND highest March on record, but January and February were quite cold making the first quarter of 2008 only the ELEVENTH highest on record.  

    Where do you get your "facts" from?  You obviously need to find a better source.  Assuming of course that you are interested in facts, and not propaganda.

  12. There was a lot of people (deniers) who obviously counted their chickens before they hatched the last 2 months.

    Remember the ever popular "January wipes out decades of GW" propaganda?

    EDIT - Eric, because we are concerned about GLOBAL WARMING, you might want to look at GLOBAL temperatures. Unless you believe the US is the globe.

  13. Its cold where I am right now!  It is not like this normally!

  14. Yeah, for the faithful it's a sign that your religion is correct.

    After 10 years of cooling, believers don't want to talk about annual averages anymore.  If you get a warm March - that's a sign that your faith was not in vain.

  15. emiller just gave the BEST Answer I have seen posted on the bogus claim of GW. (taking a short range of data-- and extrapolating it out beyond it's statistical validity.)


    Hala WHAT damage?? I don't see any GW damage anywhere?

  16. "It's cold outside for this time of year so that must mean global warming is a big scam."

    Just thought I'd get the 'looking out the window this morning expert scientific analysis' out of the way up front, save people a whole lot of time.

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