
Is this Mark Twain quote one with which most agree?

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I don't give a d**n for a man that can only spell a word one way.

--Mark Twain




  1. i can recognize on any given hip hop album i can see a lot of intentionally misspelled words. however, i would like to be comforted by the artist to put in brackets () that he or she knows that they actually know the correct way to spell it.  good quote by the way. i don't think he limits it to words though.

  2. "I have never let my schooling interfere with my education." is my favourite.

    Others here


  3. No, The quote I most agree of Mr. twain's is "everyone complains about the weather,but, nobody does anything about it"

  4. No.

  5. I agree and also wonder what he would think of souped up and over excited spell check.  That thing needs a few tranquilizers if you ask me.

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