
Is this NATURAL? 10 points best answer?

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Is it natural to physically an emotionally feel pain in a dream? i've woken up everyday this week because i literally feel pain in my dreams. like if i'm being shot i can feel it. Does that happen to anyone else? is that natural? why does it happen?




  1. Unfortunately most nights I suffer from these dreams. It more happens when during day I had any argument or any sadness. Some nights during these kinds of dream I start screaming or hardly breathe while I am in deep sleeping mode. In this case my husband tries to awake me!! When I get up I feel real pain and it seems really happened for me. In my case I have noticed that it happens most whenever I had a difficulty or stressful day.  

  2. it happens to me too..... i automaticaally wake up tho

  3. ya i think you can feel something you never experienced somehow.  It don't make sense but I have had dreams were I have felt everything too.

  4. to feel pain can mean many things...where was the pain  all over?in the arm?chest?heart? etc

  5. its natural. it happens to me all the time too. dont worry

  6. yeah i think its normal, i fall of a skyscraper and feel free falling and then when i hit the ground it hurts painfully and then 5 seconds later, ill see an outer view of my body and then ill wake up sweating, sorry it feels like im asking a question. taking sleeping pills will enhance your dreams and more common it will hapen, just to let you know.

  7. this is an interesting phenomenon, i was not ever aware of this perception,   i wonder to what extent you really feel these things and if their might have been something from your past that might have triggered it.   some sort of excruciating experience perhaps?   As for it being natural? i would say definitly natural,   you may have some obscure pain circuitry  which is heavily linked to your dream state.    their is a form of pain known as neuropathic,  which does not seem to have any known origin physically yet people still have this perception of pain.

    Phantom pains are also experienced by people due to whacky pain circuitries. So i would not say this is unnatural by any means.  If it is really causing you discomfort or affecting your lifestyle   i would say  look into  some neuroleptic drugs or pro-sleeping drugs,     these drugs tend to over activate the sleep system,  basically by enahancing the inhibitory signal of the brain.    

    I will look more into this though.

  8. You can feel much more than that in your dream.  Take a look:

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