
Is this Normal?? My son jerking with his friends?

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okay, well a couple days ago i walked in my house after work and i saw my 13 year old on on the couch with 2 of this other friends watching p**n on my satellite and they were all jerking off!

i couldn't beleiev it!

i don't know what to say to my son, he must be really embarassed..

i did some reasearc on the inthernet and it said tht 92% of teens m********e so im not worried about the fact that he was masterbaing.. but thsat is it normal for him to do it with his friends.. is he g*y?

i don't know..

please tell em what i should do.. zshould i talk to him? or ignore it ever happened?





  1. Perfectly normal, perfectly natural.  Boys love s*x and competition.  This activity combines them.  They were racing.

  2. it does not mean that he is g*y. it is probably just because he is young and him and his friends are just learning about all of this stuff. i would just ignore it. if this is happening all the time then i would say something to him but if its just once or twice i dont think its that big of a deal. he should grow out of doing that as he gets a little older.  

  3. JimR

    VERY good advice. I could not say it better myself.

    perfectly normal. It's actually good to have close friends like that. He can express himself freely. Sometimes its hard to talk to your parents about s*x etc.

    I would talk to him, Tell him your not mad at him for one thing!

    2nd tell him masturbation is perfectly normal.

    3rd tell him to go to his bed room next time, someplace a little more privet.

    4th tell him you love him.

  4. Talk to him. Let him know that you know it is perfectly normal to m********e, but that most guys don't do it together. However, I don't think that it means he is going to be g*y and I don't think that it is horribly unnatural. That's a tough one!  

  5. it's just a form of male bonding. ignore it. don't even mention it.


  6. Just sit him down and talk to him about it. It's normal that he was jerking off but with his friend? That's not really normal but it's not really a bad thing either. Most teenage boys are proud that they m********e so he is probably just showing off. But yea talk to him about it and find out why he was doing it with his friends.

  7. Yes, talk to him, but just ask why he did it with his friends. Many teen males m********e with friends because it gives them reassurance that it's normal to m********e. You should definetely talk to him so he can explain. Don't reprimand him from masturbating with his friends and no, I doubt he's g*y. The best thing to do is just talk and see what he says. Hope this helps.

  8. No, I wouldn't say he's g*y.  Um, however was it g*y p*rn??

  9. h**l no it's not normal.  At 13 there is no way any normal kid would be doing that.  maybe ages 3 - 6 it would happen; but not 13.

  10. Well, I've heard of this before. Actually, I was at a friend's house and I walked on his older brother&friends jerking it together. They were eighteen at the time.

    I think 13 is an experimental age when they're trying to figure some things I wouldn't be TOO worried...

    He is probably mortified so approach the subject with care. You may want to set some boundaries like "No circle jerking in the living room."

  11. do not be worried about the masturbation part because its completely normally but you should talk to him about why he was doing it with friend. it is probably unlikely that he is g*y because im assuming he was watching "regular" p**n, (by which i mean not g*y)

  12. lol calm down, it's okay mom your son just has over active hormones right now and so do his friends. This has nothing to do with his orientation. It takes lots more them this to indicate sexuality. Just don't say anything he must be embarrassed enough already. It will give him a story to talk about with his friends 10 years from now.  

  13. embarrassing...

    well, I don't think he's g*y, it's probably a way for him to prove his virility to his friends. Unless what they were watching was a g*y p**n...

  14. It's totally normal.  I remember at camp, all the boys used to do it together.  It's fine, they're experimenting.  But talk to him about it nonetheless.  He's obviously in that phase...

  15.   it is ok

    just as long as they are not jerking

    each other

  16. Chanel A, Jim R has a very good answer.  Support your son.  He is at an age where you can inflect serious emotional damage.  You may not like what he did, it may be disturbing to you but remember this - your son is not a bad kid.  Talk to him and ease his embarrassment.

    All the Best.

  17. Was he watching g*y p**n? If not then i would not worry

  18. um what kind of p**n was it and its normal to do it by themselves with other guys but were the doing it on each other yes or no you still need to talk to your son and ask him questions take him somewhere and just have a covasation with him i hope you do it and i hope he undersands to

  19. nat i don't think there guy until one day u would walk in on the them.

  20. Nice spelling.

    I think you're a pedophile and this is a fantasy of yours. NO, THAT IS NOT NORMAL!!!!!!!!!  

  21. Yep, normal, especially among caucasion boys they form jack-off circles.  Anyways put a lock/passcode on that satellite to deter the p**n watching.  okay with or without the p**n they still gonna jack off.  but he's probably not g*y.  now when each other start jacking each other off then that's the question of g*y.

  22. dude idk im 16 n thats never happend with me?? watching p**n togeather is cool but if they all have it out thats diff. he might be g*y but thats not wrong. id talk to him but dont yell at him.

  23. First of all, if the p**n was straight p**n (as opposed to g*y p**n) I'd say he's a normal, curious, horny teenager.  The fact that he was doing it with his friends was a bit odd, but it certainly doesn't reflect on his sexuality I don't think.

    Next, you SHOULD address this matter.  s*x in any form is a PRIVATE endeavor, not one to be undertaken on the couch in the afternoon with his friends.  Tell him you understand this is perfectly normal, but you do NOT approve of what you saw, and you expect that in the future it will NOT happen again.  Don't be critical, angry or deprecating.  You're right -- he's already embarrassed enough as it is.

    Finally, BLOCK those stations!  There's no need for him to have access to it at his age.  

  24. It's normal but guys who m********e together are usually homosexual. It's not something straight guys do.

    My advice would be to forget it, talking to him will cause a lot of embarrassment for him. I wouldn't like my Mother to catch me at it and then later remind me of it!

  25. Ilike to think I am normal as normal goes but I think he may be g*y.Most boys deny the jerk thing, here you find a community of jerkers strange.

  26. No, Your lying.

  27. You need to talk to him don't ignore it he needs to know how you feel about it and vice versa but i doubt you really know how to feel or think about it .,.. First let me say that it is illegal to allow youre son to watch p**n with youre knowledge so you must adresse that right away also..

    you should discourage mutual masturbation as well

  28. NO

  29. I think that's a little weird.  He might be g*y.

  30. nah, its not that bad, they were watching p**n, its not as fun by yourself, but if you watch it with friends, you are limited to what you can do about the problem you have in your pants, i think they were just doing it together because they happened to be hanging out at the time, there is no need to sweat it, now if they had been doing it to each other, then you may have a child experimenting with his sexuality, but there is nothing wrong with that.  just try to take it in stride.

  31. I think it's normal my bf's lil brother actually does it with a couple of his friends, when me and my bf found out about it we found it kinda weird and we made fun of him for awhile but i guess it's pretty normal..

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