
Is this Pokemon strategy really worth it?

by  |  earlier

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Ive heard that sacrificing one of a pokemon's move spots for an attack that is super effective against a pokemon that is super effective to you is worth the one less spot that could be used for a more powerful / useful attack. Example: A groudon learning solar beam, just incase it winds up having to fight a water type. Is this true?




  1. yes it is definatly worth it. Just make sure that the move you are learning to be super effective against a type that is super effective against you is a strong one.

    If you sacrifice one of your strong moves for a super effective one, you can be deciding the match.

    like imagine if you had a Victrebell that knew only

    Vine Whip


    Leach Seed and

    Razor Leaf

    What if you went up against a Charizard? Or any Fire type Pokemon? It would be much better if you sacrificed one of your grass type moves for a water type move.  

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