
Is this Possible at all with Wireless?

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Is it possible to connect to my wireless network without using cables with my wireless router(other than the power adapter)?

I just wanted to know because me & my friend shares a room...he has a desktop that has WIRED internet(the router is hooked up to his desktop..his desktop is the server) and I have a laptop that uses wireless from the same router.

Now my friend is going to buy a laptop & wants wireless internet as well on his laptop(he's gonna sell his desktop BTW)...So that both of us can be wireless.

Can this happen? Can we both be wireless without either of us being "cable connected" to the wireless router?

And if this is a stupid question....please don't make fun of me...not everyone knows as much as you.




  1. yes this is able to happen but 1st of all you need to have the router settings on one of the 2 laptops . all you need to do is just connect the phone line to the router through a micro filter and the power supply

    hope this is help  

  2. A router, is an independent device, it works all by itself no computers are needed once it has been setup!  

    You say his Desktop is the "server" - why so - unless he has server software it is just another computer on the network. It may have been used to setup the router but that doesn't make it a server nor a required item!

    So YES you can use all wireless or all wired!  If the router was setup correctly, unplugging or turning off ANY computer connected to it, will have no effect on the other computers using the system.  If you find turning the desktop off does affect the other computers -- the router was not setup correctly!  Routers can be setup and managed by ANY computer on the system just using a web browser interface in most cases. There really isn't any need for "router" software or the CD that came with the router.  Even the good ol Linksys units with the big labels that say RUN CD FIRST, don't need the CD - they just need to be setup correctly, the CD is just the easy to understand method.

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