
Is this Sarah Palin's idea of fiscal responsibility?

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$27 million dollars in earmarks for a town of 7,000 people, with another $200 million planned?!! A rail line between Wasilla and an unincorporated ski resort town? We can't get funding for a 5 mile BART extension to serve a metro area of several million people!!




  1. From the AP

      "Palin realized that Alaska was too reliant on earmarks and ordered state officials to cut back on their requests. It also said Obama requested nearly $1 billion in earmarks over three years for Illinois — a state with nearly 20 times the population of Alaska."

    And Obama will be a great steward....Got kool aid

  2. is trillions of dollars in new social bureaucracy with new taxes on all Americans  proposed by obama good fiscal responsibility.

  3. Spend it if you got it.

  4. "We can't get funding for a 5 mile BART extension to serve a metro area of several million people!!"

    BWAAHAAHAAHAAHAA - raise the g'd**n sales tax, you idjut. You've done it before and if you want your extension you'll do it again.

    Why should I have to pay for a buncha far-left Bay Area wingnuts to ride the train? Answer: I SHOULDN'T. I WON'T. So there! ;-)

    Earth to Binky, Earth to Binky: If you want something, PAY FOR IT YOURSELF!!! You know, the good old-fashioned way -- earn the money and buy it yourself. What is it that's so hard for lefty wingnuts to get about this very simple idea?

    Instead, they'd rather send their money to DC and Sact'o and, after 30% is siphoned off by the bureaucracy, get less than the remaining 70% back along with a 129-page document detailing EXACTLY what they can and can't do with their 65¢ on the dollar. Brilliant, isn't it? NOT!

    Disclosure: After 35 years in SF, I bailed for southern NH and YOU WOULDN'T BELIEVE the difference:

    1 - Common sense,

    2 - Folks with their hands out nowhere to be found - INCLUDING local governments,

    3 - Property taxes voted on in each town - EVERY YEAR!,

    4 - No state income tax (Yes, REALLY!),

    5 - No state sales tax  (Yes, REALLY!),

    6 - Crime is vanishingly low (punks don't LIKE getting shot!),

    7 - Schools are more than adequate (and WAY better than CA's schools),

    8 - Roads are in good to excellent shape, and

    9 - So on and so on and so on and...

    You get the idea, right? It doesn't HAVE to be the way it is in CA -- it's that way because the people there are willing to put up with it. Not everyone is, though. Which is why you're losing a few hundred thousand of your most productive citizens to other states every year. Face it, a 5-mile BART extension is the LEAST of your worries.

  5. She turned a Surplus into a $22 Million Deficit!

    Supported the "Bridge To Nowhere," before she was against it!

    Went on a relentless mission to persuade an Alaska Public Safety Official to fire her Brother-In-Law Trooper: "Troopergate."

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