
Is this Satellite take out just an opportunity for the US to flex its muscles?

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with what appears to be a potential 2nd cold war in the coming times, and the previously faded interest in space gaining back some steam, could this just be a show of power for the US missile defense system?




  1. h**l yes! It's not just practice, but a subtle demonstration of power.

  2. Sixty millions dollars in military spending to protect us from an imaginary threat, another chance to scare Americans needlessly and then claim the administration "protected" them, combined with gratuitously threatening the rest of the world and possibly starting a new arms race...nothing new here. The  world is keenly aware that we spend more on war than the entire world combined, there is no need for us to"demonstrate" anything.

  3. Some people need to do their research. First you have to realize that the satellite is defunct and cannot be controlled. It just as easily could have come down 2 years from it was not planned. Second, it is a TOP SECRET PROJECT(by definition Top Secret is anything that could cause exceptionally grave damage to national security if disclosed). What we dont want is anybody getting the technology that is in that satellite. As far as the toxicity...that is debatable...but if it was not shot down (and it will be a direct hit) then there is a potential for the technology to be transferred to a country that we dont want to have that capability.

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