
Is this Sptfyr's new form?

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"The Heart Scorned" - Partenza Represa

I fell into your em'rald fire,

your em'rald fire set heart aflame,

set heart aflame with dark desire,

with dark desire I held your name.

Your love enjoyed breaking my heart,

breaking my heart, telling me lies;

telling me lies that broke apart,

that broke apart my hopeful skies.

My call rang lost to defeaned ears,

to deafened ears I raised my voice.

I raised my voice throughout the years,

throughout the years regretting choice.

And now I hold my heart, it's scarred,

it's scarred with memory, and sting,

the sting of lust without regard,

without regard for golden ring.




  1. I love the play on words. Was this fun to write? I love to write poems that play on words. I think it`s fun.

  2. Yes Eva is a natural, the ancients smile upon her with endless gifts

    words sublime, of joy and sorrow, her pen flys and never runs out of ink

    so it seems, she shares her heart and soul, fully exposed. Her words flow and sing.

  3. It's beautiful and skillfully are a quick learner :)  Only one minor, tiny, itty bitty, thing...  

    "it's scarred with memory, and sting,

    (the) sting of lust without regard,"

    "the" is not part of the line above it.

    See I said it was tiny :)

    Anyhow, I can't believe you did this so quickly.  You are a true master of forms and words.  You're a beautiful bard.

  4. This is amazing. I half expected to see a few of these tomorrow, but not today. I love the way you took that and gave it that Evadne Terra tone-- you know, that come hither whisper.

  5. Another perfect Partenza Represa.  

    This flows like water in a fountain, and ever so slowly the color of the water turns pink, then red as love has bled out of a heart broken by cruelty.


  6. You are a swift learner. This is an excellent poem.  Stanza 3 sounds perfect to me. It is filled with imagery and sonorous, vocalic language.

  7. I really like this new style.  

    Sptfyr is genius, as is this poem.

  8. Well I've been gone for a couple of days so I missed Sptfyr's version of this form....but this is great! Re-using the last three words into the first three of the next line really makes the poem sing. Beautiful!

  9. How do you do that, Eva?  I'm slower than I thought,LOL!

    This is really good!

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