
Is this TMJ really bad?

by Guest62006  |  earlier

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I have TMJ and no one is helping me. I'm 16 female. My orthodontist has done nothing, my dentist SAID he was going to call someone but never did, so now I might go to my physician to see if he can get me in somewhere.

BOTH sides of my jaw crack and get stuck. I've read what to do and even when I eat soft foods, my jaw still cracks and gets dislocated and stuck. For crying out loud I was eating a freaking pancake! I have no pain, but my jaw just pops so bad that its annoying just to eat! It cracks so loud that you can hear it across the room!

What can I do?!?!?!?!




  1. Unfortunately, many physicians know little about this problem, if they even recognize it.  The cracks and "stuck" jaw you are experiencing are more than likely what you said, a dislocation.  There is a disc of cartilage between your jaw and the base of your skull.  This allows your jaw to move the way it should.  When your jaw gets stuck, the disc is pushed out of place.  You need to see a dentist who has sought out the knowledge of how to treat this problem.  Bioesthetic dentists have done so with amazing results.  I would go to the link below and see if there is one in your area who can help.  I hope this helps and you get feeling better.

  2. Make an appointment with a Ear, Nose and Throat doctor, they can help you....


  3. I have the same thing, once in awhile when it locks it hurts, but just everyday eating, it is loud and annoying more than anything.  I should have surgery but I choose not to just because I can live with it for now and I heard the surgery is painful and a long recovery.

    try not to chew alot of gum.........Good luck.

  4. I have TMJ but my symptoms just include grinding my teeth a lot, it makes my jaw sore, I only get popping on one side.  I was told there is nothing that could be done.   In your case, you may have to get surgery, get several opinions from doctors.

  5. oral surgeons specialize in TMJ problems

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