
Is this The Kiddy Era? If we were unsure before I think ECW proved it, don't you?

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I was trying not to beleive this is the kids era, but a couiple of things that have happened this week has completly changed my mind. First on RAW, not sure how long this has been going on, but Cryme Tyme's Entrance music, the begininng of the song has changed, cant remeber the lyrics, but it used to say something about smoking i.e making a joint, not a good thing to say for kids I guess as it has now been changed to introducing Shad and JTG in the same voice. Then I saw ECW Finlay and Hornswoggle dancing around the ring with a little KID, if you did not beleive this was the kids era before now then like me, this should have convinced you.




  1. Cena's wwe charector Is to blame.

    PPV's Arnt childish cos its way past there bedtime

  2. yea, were going to need to wait 2-4 years for the tv 14 to return, if they go ma i would be even happier, when cena wrote poopy I yelled what the **** at my tv, i was waiting for it to say ****, and thats really good pointing out the cryme tyme theme song, good ears,

    everyone else: rollie=pot

  3. I agree w/the person above me here.  "JBL is POOPY" did it for me.  Although the six year old skipping around w/Horny and Finlay was the icing on the cake.  The Rated PG era is upon us, and it makes me SICK!!

  4. The guy at the start of the Cryme Tyme intro says (said?) "Yo, yo, yo...Pop a 40 and check your rollies, it's Cryme Tyme." I hadn't noticed that it had changed.

    You're right about Finlay though. Unfortunately, WWE have realised that Hornswoggle is a marketing dream and they want to play up his image to children. ECW isn't the best place to do it, however. I would say Smackdown is.

  5. I was convinced when cena wrote "JBL IS POOPY" on his limo..

    "the kiddy-era"is upon us. .. sucks.

  6. yeah i just watch ppv's i hate finlay and hornswoggle

  7. I'm sorry, but who cares? I see nothing wrong with not emphasizing on smoking a joint. That shouldn't ever be allowed.

    Yeah, the kid danced with Finlay and Hornswaggle. I wish that was me. Big deal.

    I'm sick of people whining and complaining about the Attitude Era being gone. [not saying that you are..] It's gone. It's over. It's not coming back. Everyone needs to stop looking to the past.

  8. It is the kiddy era just like the late 80's & early 90's where but with alot worst wrestlers & gimmicks

  9. Actually this is Kiddy Era version 3. The first Kiddy era was the early days of the Hogan era. The second Kiddy era was the Doink the Clown Era. This is the new Kiddy era.

  10. it was: yo yo yo yo! pop a forty and check your rollie(pot) its cryme tyme

    now its: yo yo yo yo! its shad and jtg! its cryme tyme!

  11. did you notice that the last two ecw extreme rules matches have lasted like less than 5 min with no being busted open or anything of that sort  

  12. Yup, the kiddie era is upon us. This will be a bad year for the WWE. The only put downs they can come up with these days is "JBL is Poopy. Maybe if Shane takes over the buisness, he could restore the WWE to its glory. *sigh* Save_Us Shane Mcmahon.

  13. WWE has always family oriented. The Attitude Era was a fad, a one time deal. WWE is going back to the way they were before the Attitude Era.

  14. This may not be the first time, but yes, we are now treading into the family oriented WWE era.  That has been very well publicized and made general knowledge.  I do not mean that sarcastically by any means.  Horswoggle has obviously been marketed for the children who watch the programming.  He and Finlay come to the ring with inflatable hammers that they give out to kids.  I believe they throw Horswoggle derbies (hats) into the crowd as well.  They've been doing that jig for a good while now.  Finlay has been made into a lovable character as the father of Horswoggle...who just so happens to sell TONS of merchandise.  I am with you in not enjoying it myself, but WWE has to do what brings in the money.  Good point and observation about the Cryme Tyme theme song.  That makes complete sense.  It's not going to end there.  Be ready for a lot more to come.  In a few years, WWE will go another direction when this one wears off though.  It fluctuates over the years and evolves.

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