
Is this True....???????

by  |  earlier

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I heard that if you has asmtha ( not sure if thats how you spell it ) you CAN'T join the Military is that true??????

Does all the other forces do that?? like the Navy, Airforce, Natural Guard, ect?




  1. it depends on how bad you had it and when..all have similar physical requirements

  2. As long as you haven't had asthma after your 13th birthday your fine. If you currently have asthma or had it past your 13th birthday, then it is a permanent disqualification without a wavier.

  3. not really sure you should ask a recruiter, but i'm pretty sure that it will deffinitly affect your chances of getting in. if it is not sever asthma then you may have a shot at getting in, but if you are frequent with an inhailer, good luck too you... hope that if you realy want the millitary you get the chance to join.

  4. It depends on how bad you have it. If you need meds for it at anytime the military can't use you.

  5. If you just think you have asthma keep it to yourself.

    If you were diagnosed by a doctor and given meds, or given an inhaler, you have to be up front.

    if you try to join anyway, it will surface at some point or another and you will be discharged. if you are lucky you will get medically discharged, and not a dishonorable.

    but it will be concidered fraudulant enlistment, and you can go to jail.

    that being said. if you were diagnosed, you cannot rightfully join any branch of the military.

  6. If you have been clinically diagnosed by a Doctor with Asthma you are medically disqualified for service in the military

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