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The Undertaker vs Edge (h**l in a Cell)... Would that be the FIRST h**l in a Cell match without blood?

I guess they made up for that at the very end when Undertaker literally took Edge to "h**l"

WQ- Rate SS (1 Low - 10 Highest)

I'd rate it an 8 :)




  1. 9/10 the only other things that should have happened was that they should have bleed and they should have gone to the top of the cell

  2. Yeah, I guess it was kinda odd. I'd expected to see more blood.

    WQ: I'd rate SummerSlam an 8 but HIAC a 10!!! (-: I was screaming when the lights went out 'cause I was sooo happy to see The Undertaker again!!! :-D

  3. Both Of Them Bled When Taker Chairto'd Edge He Started Bleeding Then When Edge Speared Taker Out Of The Cage Taker Started Bleeding On His Arm

  4. undertakers forearm bleed.

    but i have a question,did edge really die?

  5. well takers arm was bleeding but i give summerslam a 8

  6. undertaker's forearm bled when edge speared him through part of the ring.

    but the flame thing? that was AMAZING.

  7. id say 7.5 it was weird

  8. Taker did bleed, when edge took taker thru the cell, but it was only a small amount

    with all the matches n the way the wwe is goin now it was a good match, although i was disappointed they never climb to the top anymore

    i'll give it an 8.5, one of the best matches the wwe has put on in a while

  9. WQ- i give SS a 8 but the HIAC gets a 10/10

  10. Yes but it was real blood!Most of the time when blood is pouring from head to toe it's blood capsules. I mean When Ric Flair bled it was definitely a capsule I mean it was all in his hair and stuff.

    9. It was better than I thought.

  11. Undertaker bleeded.

    I would rate it about a 8 also!

  12. edge back had blood takers arm

    i understand maybe not from the head..but there was blood


    there has been 1 h**l in cell with no blood

    kane vs mankind 98 h**l in a cell

  13. Edge was bleeding from his back, (Chairshot) and Undertaker bled in his arm when he got speared through the cage

    SS Rating = 6

    Then basicly there was no blood

  14. There was blood.  Taker's arm was bleeding.  

    Summer Slam was about a 8 ONLY because of the h**l In A Cell.

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