
Is this a 1080p or a 1080i? It is a Pioneer 42" HDTV Plasma Pro 940 HD?

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What is the difference between "P" and "I"?




  1. This set ACCEPTS 1080i, 1080p or 720p (and 480i and 480p) as INPUTS.  What you will see on the screen in all cases, however is 768p regardless of what the input is.  1080i means interlaced: only 540 lines (the odd-numbered lines) are actually transmitted in one full 1/60 second picture, the remaining 540 (even-numbered lines) are transmitted in the next 1/60 second.  In 720p, all 720 lines are transmitted every 1/60 second.  Your set decodes all of this and converts it to a picture that displays 768 lines every 1/60 second.

  2. The Pioneer Elite PRO-940HD is only 720p/1080i, but the quality is so good, you might not miss 1080p resolution with this plasma HDTV.

    See the differences between interlaced (i) and progressive (p) described here...

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