
Is this a Converb or proverb?

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Alcoholic’s incentive to drink full strength spirits in Australia

Occurred when Alcopop 70 per cent tax hike on pre-mixed drinks became applied.




  1. I think it is funny when some-one writes 'alcoholic' and 'Alcopop' but then spells the word as 'alcahol' twice.

    Sorry, my dear, this is just old Granny bemoaning the lowering of's a hard job, but some-one's got to do it.

    As far as I can see, every time a Government interferes with the daily-doings of its subjects it makes whatever problem they perceive twice as bad.  You'd think they would learn by now, to leave well alone.

  2. I hate it when the government makes it harder for me to smoke and drink...

  3. Mixed Drinks have been taxed heavily

    They are now $2 a pop more expensive

    I tell ya, it's enough to drive you to drink.

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