
Is this a Federal Crime?

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If someone is blocking your mail box so the postal service can not get to it. Basically, you park your car right infront of the mailbox. The US mail carrier can't get to it. Is this a crime?




  1. NO it is not....

    Move your mail box back a foot.

  2. no, unless its in front of a fire hydrant too.

  3. dont know if it is a is a crime to f with peoples mail...what you need to do is talk to city council or city hall to remove the place the person is parking and if the mail box is personally owned then you might want to move it although if the property is yours then you dont have to...

  4. Might be illegal parking. Not federal

  5. no it is NOT a FEDERAL crime to block access to a mailbox.  it IS a federal crime to tamper with the mailbox, the mail contained within, or mail fraud.  Here's an idea.......why don't you ask the idiot that keeps parking in front of your mailbox to MOVE their damned car?!?!?! Are you afraid of confrontation or something?  If they won't move the car, then call the police and have THEM ask that the car be moved.

  6. ok to badkitty, those feet are babys' feet so get over yourself!

  7. No, if the street is designated no parking then it's a traffic ticket, thankfully in this country parking your car in the wrong place isn't a federal crime.........yet.

  8. YOu can get a ticket if you block access to the mail box when the mail carrier is delivery.  Otherwize you can park there.

    Not a federal crime.

  9. its not a crime but the PO can refuse to deliver mail to a blocked mailbox

  10. if you tell them to move their car and they wont have it impounded.

  11. We had that problem... I don't think it is a federal crime... but if someone is parking on your property, you do have the right to put up a sign or have the vehicle towed...  

  12. I doubt it.  If it were, the carrier would have notified the offender or have had his car towed by now.   I believe the rule of law here is the owner is responsible for seeing to it that the carrier has access to their mailbox.  Either relocate the mailbox, deal with the offender, or call the police if he/she doesn't cooperate.  Maybe the police can offer an incentive not to park in front of the mailbox.  If nothing else works, rent a PO box.  Hey, maybe you could sue the person for the cost of the box.

  13. its not a federal crime..but they could get a parking ticket.

  14. no.  

  15. No, but having a picture of feet for your avatar should be.  Ewwww  

  16. i doubt its a crime but they could give them a ticket if they leave it there for a while.

  17. yes, it is. I am taking drivers ed right now...and oddly enough we talked about this today in class. It is a crime, and the offender can be ticketed.  

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