
Is this a GREAT idea to prevent global warming once and for all?

by Guest67142  |  earlier

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Drill a hole about 10,000 feet deep into the ground all over the world, place a nuclear bomb into them and blow them all up at the same time. This will blow earth up. What are some of your thoughts? I don't think there are other options because it seems to be the only way to destroy nature.




  1. Sort of like turning on all your lights during earth hour, or peeing in the swimming pool, just on a larger scale, right?

  2. Hello

    If every body is ready to follow the Points, we can solve Global Warming.

    1.Run cycle at-least for 5 to 10 Kms for office

    2.Not utilizing Air Conditioner ( use fan only)

    3.Burning of Tyre/Thermocool etc.

    4.Use of Aerosol Can should  be reduced.

    5.Emition of Chloroflro carbon to be reduced.

    6.Population Control

    7.Conserve Water/Gas/Electricity/Petrol/diesel/Pape... etc

    8.Each family have only one house/one car or one Two wheeler only.

    9.Use of Plastic Bag/Cups/Plates should be banned.

    10.Air Travel/Expansion of air Port to be reduced.


    I am following the above. I am running cycle. Is Everbody is ready to the follow the above points.

  3. This is an extermely pointless questio, please stop postin ones like this!

  4. If you make global warming unprofitable, then you solve this problem. The Al Gores of the world will give up its cause and move onto something more profitable.

  5. What's the problem ecogirl can't you lighten up and have some fun. Global warming isn't real any way.

  6. That is half of a good idea. Use the nuclear bombs to cause a nuclear winter around the earth. Sure millions of people are going to die but billions will be saved. and it will bring the temp down.

  7. What was the point of that? I'm not sure if you can dig that deep after a while since it gets really hot in the earth but think of a better idea next time..

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