
Is this a Paranormal Power?

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for some reason I feel other peoples emotion very strongly through body language and eye contact, I know its normal to a degree, but with me it can be very intense.




  1. 'Ya, it is.........................................

    I'd suggest to learn grounding techniques. The others emotions need to be absorbed back into the earth, otherwise, if you store it within yourself, you'll probably go nuts...

  2. It's not paranormal.  It just means you're sympathetic to the feelings of people around you.

  3. Lay off the MDMA.

  4. Well I now know I am an empath too.  Neat!  I didn't know it had a name.  I will have to tell my brother.  My middle son is like this and so is my one grandaughter(she's five)....I asked her "Does anyone come see you when you are asleep....she looked at me funny....looking into me....( I always said the name as a person being "A Sensitive".) it an angel?  She said yes....It has pink wings and is 5 like me.  I asked what color of hair she had....and she said Pink.  I will investigate more often.

  5. I feel it long distance, very long distance in fact.

    I'm not sure how to desensitize {sp.?} the intensity, as I'm feeling it now.

    You have a gift for empathy.

  6. I don't think you should look into all people's eyes. (I say that from personal experience.) I don't think it's healthy for you to do this. Humans can only handle so much. There's a limit to what we can bear. I'm sure you've got enough pain etc. in your life and you don't need to take on a bigger load. "He ain't heavy..he's my brother"...It's one thing to take on your "brother's" emotions when he needs you to...but don't be taking on the problems of the world. mirko....I did # 1....and I had to take the consequences for them. You've heard of "Be a voice for the voiceless". There might be a reason the "voiceless" won't speak. It might have to do with fear. People thought ..because I was trying to speak for others who can't that I thought these things or felt this way. So..they punished ME. (because they didn't like what the other people thought). {I think this might be very confusing. Sorry}

    mirko....can you tell me? Is that a cat (in the hat)? & are you male or female? I think of you as a please tell me if you're not . Thanks!!'s not about "Power" least it 's not YOUR power. The so called "gifts"  don't feel like gifts sometimes. They should be used for good only. That means also that they shouldn't drain you either.

    PS...KIHNJK  is new to us!! Welcome KIHJK

    MIRKO...Wow!! Thanks!!  Wonder if you live in USA or if you're talking from Croatia!!! I'm going to check out Croatia. I don't know anything about it. Thanks again!! Y/A IS AMAZING...Whooda ever thought I'd ever talk to people from Croatia & Australia etc etc.!!

  7. empath perhaps. myself i am able to read peoples minds to an extent by reading their bodies emotions and the vibes they put off. yes this is a paranormal power but you must be carefull and learn to control it or else it can take control over you and cause you to lose your mind. aka go crazy.

  8. There are mood stabilization drugs you can take for that.

  9. A person can detect the emotions of other persons by interacting with them, observing their expressions, body posture, body movements, etc. A normal, healthy caring person will naturally relate to these emotions vicariously, otherwise called empathy. Some people will feel these vicarious emotions more strongly than others. Again, completely normal and not mysterious.

    Personally, sometimes I need to remove myself from a situation if it is bothering me too much. I purposefully limit my news intake just because there is just a lot of bad stuff happening and frankly it can really pain me to hear of others' tragedies, especially regarding abuse of children.

    Is this paranormal power?  No, it's just part of being a human being.

  10. You're an empath - as we all are.

    We can all run, but not all of us win the marathon; we can play the violin, but not all of us are Jascha Heifetz.

    empathy (empe te)


    1the projection of one's own personality into the personality of another in order to understand the person better; ability to share in another's emotions, thoughts, or feelings

    2the projection of one's own personality into an object, with the attribution to the object of one's own emotions, responses, etc.


    [< Gr empatheia, affection, passion < en-, in + pathos, feeling: used to transl. Ger einfuhlung (< ein-, in + fuhlung, feeling)]


    Denie, click on this first:

    I am a guy. 'Mirko' is my Slavic name (it means 'the bringer of peace'), but I am registered as 'Mircea' (a Romanian version of 'Mirko'). 'Mircea' is not a good name for an internet ID or nickname, as other guys believe it's a chick's name (because it ends with an 'a') and I grew tired of being hit on by other men.

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