
Is this a Vintage Saddle?

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I recently traded a Junior saddle for a larger saddle that was dried out and in bad shape. I cleaned and oiled it. It looks usable now. I don't know if it is Vintage. The fleece looks good. Any idea? It says Berger Ferguson Los Angeles 862 on it. What's it worth?




  1. I would say that it was more for riding rough horses (not necessarily in the rodeo) just riding horses that weren't broke, plus, judging from the horn, it wasn't used so much for roping, the round skirt also suggests that it was more four riding rough horses and not finished ones.  Vintage?  I dunno, it very well could be.

  2. the only time i think a saddle is vintage is iff it has hand made stitching

    but it could be, do some research

    post a pic

  3. What you've got is a Litchenberger Ferguson saddle.  They are a useable saddle, too bad you didn't post a picture or a thorough description of them.  I believe they have since merged with Keystone, so they are now Keystone, Litchenberger Ferguson, or were in the 1960's.

  4. lichtenberger & fergerson were partners and made saddles from 1900 to 1939 in los angeles,they were bought out by keyston brothers in1959.keyston bros no longer makes saddles because they closed their saddle shop a couple of years ago.without a picture it is really hard to know what era it was made because there were markers in saddle fashion for each era.

  5. we would really need a picture - i have no idea what you on about other than its a saddle :S

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