
Is this a artist or criminal?

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that is called a wildstyle so hard only ppl of years doing graffiti can do that and i mean like 10 + years

and if u want to know y kids do this or y they cant stop or anything like that here is a clip of young and talented artists tell ppl y they do graffiti




  1. I saw the entire "Piece by Piece" documentary, and I'd consider it more of an art, as long as they aren't tagging certain things that don't need to be tagged, or tagging inappropriately.

  2. As long as they have permission to spray-paint the piece of property they're drawing on (typically the owner has to give written consent), then it's legal. Otherwise, it's considered vandalism any other way.  

  3. Well, it is art, and also a crime. for sure. Unfortunately, even the artistic graffiti, is usually not very creative. No originality. Yet there is still one exception.


    Banksy, though hated by the police, is a legend. No-one knows who he is, though they have an idea he is a 19-20 year old art graduate. His pieces are original as anything can be. He's both political and funny.

    His art is just stunning. Search him up. Your bound to find some stuff on him.

    So, if your like him, graffiti is a art :)

  4. Graffiti is criminal, period.  Those guys are just making up excuses for what they know is wrong; that's all there is to it.  If they wanted to legitimize their particular form of "art," they'd get legal permission to do it from the city and/or the owner of property.  Defacing somebody's property or public property is vandalism, pure and simple!

  5. Creativity often generates challenges.

  6. boring

    More than forty years of grafitti artists and not a lot of originality. It isn't even a novel medium at this point.

    10 years? eh get out more

  7. both

  8. That is truely a artist - I never thought about graff until i watched this video and I think its good for them too express themselves like other types of artist do - But they should only do it on their stuff or propety otherwise it is kinda criminal IMO

  9. i see graffiti an art and crime

    because if they do it on the side of someones

    house i would be way beyond mad at someone or whoever did it

    but its art because its so amazing what you can do with a little bit of spray paint

    but i really don't know what to make of it :?

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