
Is this a bad grade?

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i got a 3 on my AP government test i took tis past may. the ighest possible grade is a 5 which means extremely ell qualified to receive credit for this college course. a 3 means qualified. i believe its just pass or fail. u still get te same credit whether u get a 3 or 5.

wll my dad was really mad when he found out that i only got a 3. is it a bad grade or no big deal? would colleges care if i only got a 3?




  1. i wouldn't say most colleges don't care if it's a 3 or 5.  many want a 4 or 5 for credit, some want a 5 for credit, but will accept a 4 if you want to skip the class.  while a 3 is still a good score, it can be interpreted this way- a 3 out of 5 is equal to 60 out of 100, a D-, the lowest possible passing grade.  that might be how your dad views it.

  2. 3 is a passing score. It means "qualified" it is perfectly fine.

    However, 3 is on the borderline of getting college credit --varying from college to college. It's acceptable, but it will not guarantee any credit.

    Colleges don't really regard your score unless if qualifies for credit. If it seems really dissapointing, you are also allowed to block the scores if you wish, talk to your AP coordinator.

  3. It's  like  getting  an  C  doesn't  mean  you  failed , just  means  you  passed  by  the  skin  of  your  teeth.  At  least  you  passed,  that's  what  counts.  CONGRATULATIONS!

  4. Most colleges don't care if you get a 3 or a 5 - they only care that you pass and receive the college credit. If you're planning on attending an Ivy League school, however, the requirements may be slightly different. It's an extreme honor to be in an AP class anyway, much less pass the AP test, so congratulations!! There is no reason for your dad to be angry with you over a 3. You passed an extremely difficult test, and you should be proud. :-)

  5. I got a three too. I know it's not good, but atleast I passed.

  6. As long as you passed they shouldn't be to worried about it. Colleges care more about extracurriculars and grades throughout the year in your classes.

  7. i have taken ap his. ap eng. and ap calc.

    i got 3's on all of them and a 1 in calc [yea i noee that ones bad]

    a 3 is passing and the average for EVERYONE a 5 IS EXTREMELY RAREEE unless you took the class alreadyy

    all colleges look for a 3 and up

    some dnt even look at it jus at the FACT that you took an AP CLAss!.

    dnt worry its good!. =]
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