My step daughter was very tough when I first met her. Her mother died when she was 4..i met her at 6.
she bossed her dad around and was pretty abusive. Her dad is pretty laid back.
she has come along way however, there are still issues.
She listens in school because she said if she doesn't they don't allow her to play a recess.( I dont want to forget to mention ,,she said that she doesn't listen to dad because she doesn't have too.)
So, I found what she really hates. Being bored! when she doesn't listen she gets a strike...5 strikes she is sent to her room for day and night of nothing to do . I told her she needs to sit and think. She is only allowed to look out the window, eat and use the bathroom. It works ...she hates it but is it too harsh!
If you think it you have any suggestions for punishments?