
Is this a bad sign??

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i am stuck at home pregnant on a saturday night and my boyfriend is running with his mates to pubs and clubs.we have been together 6 yrs and i am bored and loely calling him every 5 mins and he doesn't want to know.what does this sound like here???




  1. Yep it is a bad are carrying the baby of a total loser who has no respect for you....

  2. you should stop calling and start going out yourself. then mabey he will start to notice you more!

  3. It sounds like he could care less that you are at home and pregnant.  When he gets home have a long talk with him and ask him to start spending more time with you and less with friends, and if he doesn't leave him.  He's no good anyway from what you write and he's probably cheating.

  4. sounds like your going to have problems

  5. Stop calling him. He's getting his freak on while you are home barefoot and pregnant. I feel for you girl, but you need to take care of yourself right now. Stress affects the baby.  

  6. This might be bad. I've given up on relationships for the moment, but I hope all is well, and this is just the hormones talking on your part.

    Please talk to your man when he's around. Make sure he knows how you feel, and that you just need some support or whatever at this moment in your life. If he loves ya, he'll get it.

    Good luck.

    edit: And yeah, try going out with his friends too.

  7. Where are your friends and family? Who else can you call besides the baby's daddy. If he is choosing pubs and clubs, over a six year relationship with a baby on the way.....seems like he made his choice. Not you. Concentrate on yourself and the baby, not him.

  8. you need 2 tell him how u feel and that that is not fair. Switch turns  going out or go together. And if that doesn't work obviously doesn't like you enough to care for you and your baby.

  9. Sounds like he's out having fun and you're not.  Why don't you go with them?  Stop calling him.  

  10. A sign that he is no where near ready being a father. But the worst part about it, is that you actually let him go. You give him your permission, he thinks its okay. Drinking = very bad things....especially if wifey isn't around.

    Your pregnant. I can remember when I was pregnant with our you honestly think that my husband was out there doing god knows what at insane hours? No he was home with me every night. We were having a baby. It wasn't just me having the baby.

    Time to have a serious chat with him and ask him some hard questions. I wouldn't put up with that kind of bullsh*t...not in a million years.

    But I am also not with him.
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