
Is this a bad therapist or am I crazy?

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She is only 2 months younger than me. (half-sister, same father) We grew up together and we were always very close. When we were 12 or 13, I can't remember exactly, she got freaked out about not knowing how to kiss. Silly, I know, but it was a huge problem for her. She suggested we try on each other. And we did. It was more of a practice, clumsy really. We've only done it for that one period (maybe a few weeks)

I've never thought much of it and neither has she. (or at least she's never mentioned it to me)

Now she is going through this therapy because of our childhood (mainly because our father was a s****t) but this came up during her therapy and her therapist said I took advantage of her. She came to me with this whole list of things I did to her, like how I used her to get through to my father (which is true, because it was obvious that he liked my sister more and I thought we were acting as a team when she would pretend she wanted something I wanted, or when she ''saved'' me from his punishments, etc.)

Her therapist told her that I have a hidden sexual interest in her which is why I stayed so close to her all my life. I reminded her that kissing was her idea, but she won't have it.

She refuses to talk to me. She says I ruined her life.

Seriosly, can therapists actually s***w up their patients this much? My sister is a completely different person now.

I made an appointment with the same therapist - just to explain, I wanted us to do sessions together - but her therapist says it isn't healthy and that I have to live with what I have done to my sister.

But I haven't done anything!!!

What should I do?




  1. A theripist is just someone who gets paid for their opinion. From what you've said, it sounds like your theripist has control issues. Try and be strong on your own, prove that you are stable without anyones meddeling in your life, and let your sister know that you will be there for her if she needs you. Unfortunately, it sounds like the theripist thinks driving a wedge between you is going to prove a healthy outcome. :(  

  2. search the therapists history and see if there's something wrong with him.

    i would also suggest to try finding a good therapist yourself and explain to him the whole situation to take a true professional's opinion and see what he says this could fix things

  3. my advice would be to see what professional organization he belongs to and contact them, there may be other complaints against him.  If you think that he is not being ethical report him to the APA or ACA depending on who he is affiliated with.

  4. Not your fault.

    the therapist is so wrong!

    why don't you suggest to your sis to try a different therapist.

    either way you didn't do anything wrong.  

  5. Not your fault.  That therapist is crazy and should be reported.  Try looking up some info on the therapist to see if their are any others who have had problems before you.

  6. It sounds like your sister and you therapist are total nutcases and need  to go to a mental inst. your sister sounds like she likes to do things and then say that other people did it just to get them in trouble.

  7. if what you are saying is true than the therapist is in the wrong.  

  8. Realize that bad therapists exist because we live in a Jerry Springer Society. Explain to your sister that you love her and that you if she ever needs you, you will be waiting. You sister sounds very immature and she is unable to work this out on here own.  You should go see a different counselor and get their take on the situation.

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