
Is this a bad thing...?

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Since last night I've been getting random headaches. And the weird thing is, I'm only getting the pains in one part of my head, and it like, throbs. Kind of. Is that a bad thing? What should I do? Thanks :).




  1. Did you try taking advil or something ? If not then you should . Wait a few days and if it still hurts you I suggest you to see a doctor . Feel better =)

  2. Sounds like a tension headache.  Have you been under a lot of stress lately?  I don't like to recommend medication but Excedrin Tension helps me.  If they don' t stop please see your doctor.  There can be other reasons for headaches that don't stop that can be serious ie. meningitis, migraines.  Don't worry too much yet and make an appt. for the doc.

  3. Try some over the counter pain medicine first. Tylenol or Ibuprofen. Make sure to take the correct dosage. Caffeine is also known to relieve headaches. So try a cup of coffee. Lie down with the lights off in a quiet room (if the headache is caused from anxiety). If the headache continues for more than a few days see your M.D. You could have a sinus infection.  

  4. It is bad, try to calm down and stop thinking too much. Let yourself stay in a peaceful quiet place. Drink water, it may heal. Aswell have a rest or sleep without any noise around.

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