
Is this a big enough cage for a guinea pig? (pic)?

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  1. yes that is good enough for a guinea pig

  2. Nope. Not even big enough for 1 pig. The smallest cage for one pig should be 30" x 36".

    Check out

  3. hey thats what i hgave my rat in! only mine is blue! butr that should be fine! ♥

  4. sure.perfect.

  5. Not big enough and guinea pigs shouldn't be kept alone.

  6. Hey! I'll try to give you a good answer again :)

    I know you're trying really hard, but that is not big enough for a guinea pig if you want it to have a happy, fun life. Yea, it's bigger than most store cages, but it's still not big enough. You should have a cage with 7.5 square feet on the inside. That's kind of the size of three chairs pushed together in a line. The easiest way to do this is going to  and following their directions.

    I found the storage cubes at Target

    and the coroplast at Fastsigns if you have one close.

    The only ways guinea pigs get exercise is by running in circles, so you have to make sure their cage is like a big track. Otherwise they could get really overweight or just lazy.

    If you don't want to build one there are some others that are ok to buy, but VERY pricey like these:

    this one's not soo expensive, but you HAVE to take out the wire bottom and you need the XL size:

    and even though there are a lot on this page, only the more expensive ones, the cheapest being $117, are the right size for guinea pigs:

    I hope this helps and I still say make it yourself! It's fun and you can be sure to get it how you want it.

  7. Sorry - that is far too small even for a single guinea pig.

    Most animals need far more space than people think to be happy and healthy. Keeping animals in cages that are too small, or too boring, causes a huge variety of health and welfare problems, including:

    Boredom, frustration of natural behaviours etc. leading to chronic stress.

    Reduced fitness

    Muscular-skeletal problems

    Digestive problems

    Impaired immune system

    Increased heart rate and blood pressure

    Increased levels of "stress" hormones, and reduce levels of "relaxed" hormones

    Affected circadian rhythms

    Abnormal behaviour, eg stereotypies

    Reduced lifespan.

    A guinea pig needs enough space in its cage for lot of "stuff" - including a food bowl, hay, at least one hidey, and some toys (eg cardboard boxes and tubes, tunnels to run through, paper to shred, plain wooden chew sticks, cozies and cuddle cups etc.)

    On top of this, the cage still needs to have enough open space left over for the pig to exercise properly - including running laps and popcorning.

    The absolute minimum size cage for one piggie is about 7.5 sq feet of floor space, although 10.5 sq feet is preferred.

    The cage you show is less than 5  - so only about half the size you should get!

    Please consider a c+c cage - they are easy to build, can be made any size you like, and are cheaper than store bought cages.

  8. Nope. That would be like you living in your bathroom. Pigs need much more space...and a friend.

    Check out these sites for more information on cages as well as other great guinea pig info:

  9. Yeah, it should be fine. Just remember, a cage can look way bigger or way smaller on the internet, so I would recommend going to a PetSmart and looking at them in person before buying. Also remember to leave space after you've added all its toys and such. Hope this helps!

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